Tag: Southern Pines

A Southern Pines Sunset

It’s been raining off and on for a few days, which is good. We needed it. I think we might continue to have showers over the next few days, but I usually don’t pay much attention to weather forecasts.  I just wait and see what happens.  I’ve known people whose every movement hinged on the weather forecast and that never made any sense to me.  It wasn’t like they were farmers or anything.

Anyway, it was a great night for a walk, so Buddy and I went out. I took this picture with my trusty iPhone.

Sunset in Southern Pines North Carolina

New customer

Equine Fencing Southern Pines, NCI’ve been working with a new customer, Brad Charles, to construct a web site.  I have to say that I don’t think I’ve met such a nice person in a long, long time.  I want to give hm a little plug here!  If you’re in the Southern Pines area and need equine (horse) fencing, please give him a call!

Equine Fencing, Southern Pines, NC


Spring is definitely here!

According to the Ohio State University Extension fact sheet on wisteria (Wisteria sinensis), it’s a member of the pea family!  I think wisteria is a beautiful plant, but many here in NC think it’s a monster, because it devours its host.  Around here, you see it everywhere, growing on any tree or structure it can find.  I found this vine on some trees behind our office.
Wisteria in Southern Pines

Another sure sign of spring (aside from the haze of yellow pine pollen currently engulfing us), are the blossoming of azaleas.  These are in front of my house.

Southern Pines azaleas

It feels like winter’s over

Buddy at Martin Park Southern PinesBuddy and I went to Martin Park in Southern Pines yesterday for a walk. He really had a great time, as you can see.  Today is warmer and sunnier! I’ve been doing some chores in the house, but every chance I get, I’m going outside to soak up some sun.  the forecast for the upcoming week indicates high temperatures in the 60s and even 70!  The lows are creeping up too, with night time temperatures in the 40s and 50s.  My favorite time of year is approaching.  I predict that I’ll be getting the pool ready pretty soon.

If you’re looking for an interesting movie to see, get The Informant!

It looks like an ant, but it’s a wasp

Red Velvet Ant Dasymutilla magnifica

This is a Red Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla magnifica) that was wandering around in the yard.  They’re actually not ants though.  They’re wasps! When I got back in the house, I googled “read and black wingless ant” to find out what she was. What I found out is that they have a painful sting and are pretty tough creatures.  They’re also known as “Cow Killers.”  They’re not actually capable of killing cows though, so no need for dairy farmers to be hyper-vigilant.

Cake Oriented Policing

Southern Pines Police Citizens Police AcademyI had the unique opportunity of attending the Southern Pines Police Citizens Police Academy these past 8 weeks.  We had our last session this evening. This cake was baked and skillfully decorated by one of the other attendees (Barbee).

One of the topics for discussion last week was Community Oriented Policing. This is a philosophy defined by the US Department of Justice as promoting “organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.”

Here’s more information on Community Oriented Policing.

If you own a business or live in Southern Pines, sign up for the next Southern Pines Police Citizens Police Academy.  It’s an amazing program.  Ask your local police department if they offer something similar.

I’ll catch up on more posts in the next few days.  Tomorrow’s Friday!