What If?

What if, for one week, all the money Americans would normally spend on sports went to help our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan? I’ve learned that a lot of them lack even basic personal hygiene items. That makes me very sad, and somewhat angry. I’m going to spend this weekend getting together some care packages for soldiers. There’s a list of addresses at http://www.anysoldier.us/index.cfm. I wonder what’s wrong with us as a society that we choose to spend our money on sporting events, DVDs, video games and other comparably trivial things when our soldier are risking our lives for us. I admire & respect anyone who is in the military. It’s something I was never tough enough to do (serve my country). So I pay taxes instead. But when I read about soldiers not having things like toilet paper and razors, it made me cry! Try to help if you can. I’ll update you on what I send out on Monday.