Upcoming Week

The upcoming week will be busy. On Monday, I’ll be taking mom to see a radiologist. On Thursday, she’ll be having surgery. Just a little over a week ago, we were told she has DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). It has a nearly 100% cure rate if treated properly, and that means surgery, radiation and possibly Tamoxifen. I haven’t had much time to research this kind of cancer yet, but have talked to a few people who have had it. In a few days though, it will have been removed. The surgery is done outpatient under general anesthesia. I’m not sure how long after the radiation will follow. It’s not going to be external radiation, it will be MammoSite radiation. It takes 5 days (10 visits) to complete, as opposed to the typically 50+ visits for external radiation. I’ll post more as I learn.

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