UNC Appointment

I called the University of North Carolina (UNC) for an appointment with Dr. Robert Orlowski and left a voicemail message, but nobody ever called me back. In today’s mail was an appointment card! I’m curious about how they got my address. All I did when I called was leave my name and telephone number. (The phone number is listed under my company name.)

I am hoping Dr. Orlowski will be my local oncologist, since he has a lot of experience with MM. Chapel Hill is about an hour from here. I’ll feel more secure if I can have a doctor who is up on the latest research in MM. I do want to continue to have Aredia at the local hospital though. As far as I know, there’s a standing order for it, and changing doctors shouldn’t nullify that. I’ll have to ask though.

Wouldn’t you know it, the appointment is for the day I’ll be leaving to drive up to Boston for my appointment with Dr. Richardson at the Dana-Farber?