Tag: zometa

June 2013 Lab Values

Beth Blood Test from June 2013
Blood Test Results from June 2013


This is the latest report I have.  I had blood drawn at the beginning of June. You can click on the small image of the report to see it full size.

It indicates that I’m still stable.  From quarter to quarter, there are small changes, but nothing significant.  Sometimes the values go up and sometimes down.  There’s nothing exciting to report this time.

I’m still taking 8 grams of curcumin each day, along with cinnamon, coconut oil, flax oil and krill oil.

I see the oncologist every three months, and have Zometa every three months, too. My bone density is normal.

There’s really not much to talk about, where the myeloma is concerned.  It continues to lurk, without doing anything (that I’m aware of).  It behaves like SMM.

I’ve not had any maintenance therapy since the SCT, which took place at the end of August in 2007.

I wish everyone could have such boring reports!

Here’s the PDF version > PDF Version

Feeling “ungood”

Zometa IVI’m feeling ungood today.  Maybe even part way doubleplusungood. I had Zometa yesterday, so this could explain some of it. I usually feel a little bit flu-ish the day after a Zometa infusion. I’ve had a few days of feeling sneezy and nose-runny, and I feel very tired.  I think I just need to get several nights of good sleep.

Here’s a picture of the Zometa IV to satisfy your curiosity. I have 250 ml saline with it, over about 45 minutes. My onc now has wireless, so I took a computer with me yesterday so I could get a little work done.

Duke Lemur Center / Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic today

Duke Lemur CenterMonica and I got to go to the Duke Lemur Center in Durham, NC today for business.  It was great!  I took some pictures through the fences with my iPhone camera, and this was the best of them. I’m afraid I can’t tell you what type of lemur this is, but I’ll find out.

Just before the meeting at the Lemur Center, I had a checkup at the Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic.  I’ll have the results of my tests on Wednesday.   It’s been almost two years since I had a skeletal survey, so I scheduled that for September.  The skeletal survey is a series of xrays of the long bones, skull and ribs and spine. I asked about a recent report I read that suggests that PET scans should be used for monitoring myeloma.  My doctor does those if there’s activity such as an increasing m-spike and nothing shows up on xrays.  The PET can show plasmacytomas and other activity.

I’ve been told that standard radiographs aren’t much good at detecting bone damage until there’s been a significant amount of destruction, so it’s not a good early warning indicator. I’d like to have a PET scan just to see what’s lurking.  I know they’re expensive.  A few years ago I called around to get the costs at various places  because I wanted one, but was told by my insurance company that they weren’t covered for myeloma. At the time, the cheapest PET scan I could find was about $3,000.

Did you know you can do that?  If you’re not insured, or your coverage isn’t very good, call around to see who has the best deals on tests or procedures.  The costs can vary quite significantly between institutions.  Another money-saving tactic is to find out what’s covered under what setting.  For example, my insurance has me pay 20% of services performed in hospitals.  That’s why I have most of my chemo and all of my Zometa infused at a nearby doctor’s office.  When I do that, it’s just a $30 copay. Investigate all of your options!

This and that

One of my classmates from the Travel Channel Academy has used her video skills to win the use of a car!

“I am one of 100 people to win a 2011 Ford Fiesta (international model) for 6 months! Be sure to check my blog (http://hotfuzzonmylegs.blogspot.com) and twitter (www.twitter.com/lex112884) for more info and to learn more about the winnings!”

That’s very cool.  I haven’t done much video myself, but have some projects in the works.  Just local stuff, which I’ll post when it’s ready.

I’ve been approved to attend the tenth session of the Southern Pines Police Department’s Citizen’s Police Academy, and am looking forward to participating. My nephew wonders if that means Buddy will get to be a police dog.

I have Zometa tomorrow.  It’s been a while since I did that, but there’s a possibility (I’m told) that it has an anti-myeloma effect. I only have it about 3-4 times a year now.