Tag: litterbox

Advice from a cat lady

If you have cats, you probably have one that refuses to use the litterbox.  Instead, he or she zeros in on the piles of laundry in the laundry room, any soft cushion on your best piece of furniture, or, God forbid, your bed.  You’ve tried everything, but nothing’s working for this kitty.  There’s no litter that will satisfy her.  You’ve added at least one litterbox to every room in the house.  What now?

The next thing you should do, is take the cat to the vet.  No, I’m not saying you need to have her euthanized!  Read on.  The vet needs to check your pet over thoroughly, to make sure he or she doesn’t have a urinary tract infection. If one is present, an antibiotic will be given, and you may see your pet’s litterbox habits improve.

However, the possibility remains that, as my vet put it, “it’s a behavioral problem.”  Maybe the cat is being stalked at the litterbox by his or her feline housemates?

Puppy training pads for cat There may not be much you can do about the situation.  Unfortunately, experts say that “inappropriate elimination” is the number one reason cats are surrendered to shelters, abandoned  and euthanized.

Before you give up your cat, try one more thing.  This worked for me, and we’ve had harmony in the house ever since.  No “accidents” either!

Try puppy training pads or the human version, referred to as “chux.”  Lay a few of them down in the area where you errant kitty is known to eliminate.  If your situation turns out to be like mine, you’ll find that the cat is now urinating and/or defecating on the pads instead of the carpet, clothes, sofa or bed.  I actually place the pads near the litterbox I want my cat to use, and she uses the pads there.  I will warn you that you can go through 4-6 pads a day, depending on your cat’s eating and drinking routine, but it’s well worth it.  The best thing about it is that the cleanup is fast and easy!  I just pick up the used pad and put another in its place!

You can actually buy the human version for less, if you shop around.  I find them for less than $20 per 100.