Tag: gadolinium as a contrast agent

MRIs and Mutliple Myeloma and gadolinium, oh my!

Margaret’s blog has a few posts written about the use of gadolinium as a contrast agent.  I think it’s important for MM patients to know about this.  You can the read posts at her blog.  These are all the posts containing the word, “gadolinium.”
»The gadolinium used in MRIs makes myeloma cells proliferate

In other news, there’s not much going on.  Last week I got to participate in a local radio show with two of Moore County’s finest, Detective Sgt Donnie Shingleton and Sgt Tim Cameron, of the Moore County Sheriff’s Department.  The topic was home security, which included discussions about fraud.  My part was Internet fraud.  My words didn’t really come out right!

Ticket to Ride by Ed GormanI start a creative non-fiction class tomorrow, thanks to my sister, Rachel.  She’s encouraged me to git me some more learnin’ so’s I kin write better.

Monica and I are taping for another radio program this morning.  I’ll let you know how that one turns out.

How many of you bought Ed Gorman’s new book? If you haven’t gotten it yet, now’s a good time.  » Ticket to Ride by Ed Gorman.   He wrote something to me on the dedication page!