Tag: cats

Advice from a cat lady

If you have cats, you probably have one that refuses to use the litterbox.  Instead, he or she zeros in on the piles of laundry in the laundry room, any soft cushion on your best piece of furniture, or, God forbid, your bed.  You’ve tried everything, but nothing’s working for this kitty.  There’s no litter that will satisfy her.  You’ve added at least one litterbox to every room in the house.  What now?

The next thing you should do, is take the cat to the vet.  No, I’m not saying you need to have her euthanized!  Read on.  The vet needs to check your pet over thoroughly, to make sure he or she doesn’t have a urinary tract infection. If one is present, an antibiotic will be given, and you may see your pet’s litterbox habits improve.

However, the possibility remains that, as my vet put it, “it’s a behavioral problem.”  Maybe the cat is being stalked at the litterbox by his or her feline housemates?

Puppy training pads for cat There may not be much you can do about the situation.  Unfortunately, experts say that “inappropriate elimination” is the number one reason cats are surrendered to shelters, abandoned  and euthanized.

Before you give up your cat, try one more thing.  This worked for me, and we’ve had harmony in the house ever since.  No “accidents” either!

Try puppy training pads or the human version, referred to as “chux.”  Lay a few of them down in the area where you errant kitty is known to eliminate.  If your situation turns out to be like mine, you’ll find that the cat is now urinating and/or defecating on the pads instead of the carpet, clothes, sofa or bed.  I actually place the pads near the litterbox I want my cat to use, and she uses the pads there.  I will warn you that you can go through 4-6 pads a day, depending on your cat’s eating and drinking routine, but it’s well worth it.  The best thing about it is that the cleanup is fast and easy!  I just pick up the used pad and put another in its place!

You can actually buy the human version for less, if you shop around.  I find them for less than $20 per 100.


Cute kittyKittens are the cutest things on the planet, there’s no doubt.  I could watch them for hours.  There are times when their kittenish antics make me laugh out loud. The kittens’ mothers are getting a little tired of their offspring though.  They want to be let out of their room to roam the house, and it’s harder to get them to go back in there than it was a couple of days ago.

I’d like to encourage those seeking companion animals to look for a local animal rescue group from which to adopt. They usually vet the animals and make sure they’re suitable for a particular situation.  In my case, I now know that the mother cats are completely accepting of other cats and dogs, and are not at all aggressive. They like children, too. None of the cats flinched when I turned on the vacuum cleaner!

Animal Advocates of Moore County is going to be having an adoption fair soon:

Where: Local Armory on Morganton Road

When:  July 11th 2009

Time:  Noon to 6 PM

Rabies Shots Given by Frank Ringleberg of Animal Control….$5.00
Nail Trim by famous groomer Karen Richardson……$5.00

Nail Painting by Karen Richardson……………………$5.00

The Lunch Box will be selling Hot Dogs and Drinks

More kitteny goodness

More kitteny goodness
More kitteny goodness

It’s not all purrs and frolicking here.  Not for me, anyway. I knew it wouln’t be easy taking care of 7 kittens and their 2 mothers, but I wasn’t prepared for the smell!  In no time flat, the room in which I’m keeping the cats has taken on a pretty icky odor.  I’m off work tomorrow, so I’ll spend some time cleaning up in there. I’m sure I’ll discover some hidden surprises.

The cats have begun to hang out right by the door, so when I open it to go in to feed, scoop or play, they try to escape. The 2 mothers are the first to slip past.  The kittens are easier to herd back into the room because they’re still a little afraid of me. A few have gotten out, and presents a challenge.  They head straight for any piece of furniture or appliance they can hide behind. The heavier, the better. I have to plan a strategy for dealing with the escape attempts so nobody’s lost in the house and there aren’t any encounters with my cranky cat.

My nephew has been dying to come and help me with them, but he’s been sick and has had to stay home. I hope he’ll feel better soon.

If you know anyone in the area who could give any of these cats a great home, let me know.

Invasion of the kittens


The Animal Advocates of Moore County (AAMC) did a huge favor for me.  In February, a cat started hanging around my house. It was pretty cold, and I felt bad for her.  I started feeding her and tried to coax her into the house.  I finally tricked her into coming into the house on her own.  I called AAMC to see if they knew of anyone who was missing their cat.  She was extremely sweet and a beautiful cat.  Someone came to get her, and she was taken to a vet to be checked over.  She was such a great cat that I decided to keep her.

About a month after her arrival, Peeps developed paralysis in her back legs. I took her to a few vets to see what could be done for her. They had me convinced that she’d never recover and we’d eventually have to have her euthanized. It was heartbreaking. I emailed AAMC to find out if anyone there had any experience with paralysis in a cat. Barb, from AAMC, actually came to my house and picked her up to take her to their vet!  She then kept her for a few weeks while Peeps underwent treatment with steroids (yuck). Peeps was able to walk when she got home!  So, I owe AAMC big time.

Today I received a couple of mother cats and their litters of kittens.  I think there are 7 kittens.  I’d have to count to be sure. I’ll keep them here until homes are found for them all. Fostering these cats is the least I can do to try to repay the folks at AAMC.

Would you like to adopt a kitten?
Would you like to adopt a kitten?