Recent labs

Normally I put all the lab results in a table, but I’m feeling lazy today. My IgA has not gone up in a few months. Could this mean I’m stable? Do I need to hold off on treatment until my IgA goes up? My CBCs are all normal.

WBC	5.9	x10E3/uL		4.0 - 10.5
RBC	4.07	x10E6/uL		3.80 - 5.10
HGB	12.0	g/dL		11.5 - 15.0
HCT	35.1	%		34.00  -44.00
PLT	288	x10E3/uL		140 - 415
ANC	3.1	x10E3/uL		1.8 - 7.8
IgG	259	mg/dL		700 - 1600
IgA	2445	mg/dL		70 - 400
IgM	<6	mg/dL		40 - 230			

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