DATE 7/21/03 For more information contact:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Amie Fraley, 910-949-4000
Register Your Relay For Life Team Now
(Moore County) ? Moore County?s Relay For Life is just around the corner. Register your team today by calling the 2004 event chairs, Amy Millard ?949-2599 or Jackie Tyson ? 949-0424. This ?celebration of life? brings the Moore County community together in unified effort to fight cancer.
Former and current cancer patients, their families, businesses, civic organizations, and the public are invited to take part in this exciting team event. Relay For Life takes place from 10:00 a.m. on September 20th until 10:00 a.m. on September 21st.
Relay For Life is a family-oriented event where participants enjoy the camaraderie of a team and also raise funds to support the activities of the American Cancer Society. Participants camp out at the Relay site and when they are not taking their turn walking or running, they take part in fun activities and enjoy local entertainment.
Teams from companies, churches, organizations, hospitals, and schools collect donations and can win individual and team prizes for their efforts.
?Relay For Life brings the progress against cancer to the forefront,? said Amy Millard, event chair. ?Many participants are our family, friends, and neighbors who have been cured of cancer themselves. Their involvement is proof of the progress that has been made.
?The funds raised enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer through research, education, advocacy, and services to patients,? said Jimmy Frye, corporate sponsorship chairperson. ?Due to the generosity of teams and corporate sponsors already committed to the 2004 event like Pinehurst OB/GYN, Merrill Lynch, St. Joseph?s of the Pines, Progress Energy and Centennial Bank, Moore County is able to heavily support the American Cancer Society?s mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.?
Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life is available from the American Cancer Society at 949-4000. For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society?s 24-hour hot line at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit the web site where you can enter your zip code to link to more information about the Moore County Relay For Life.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.