Bone marrow biopsy

hothothot.jpgI had a bone marrow biopsy Monday. I have to say, it was the best one I ever had. That sounds weird, I know, but it’s true. I was told to take a few percocet tablets beforehand and I had some IV Ativan. I don’t remember the trip home. :)

It’s been HOT here lately. Here’s a picture of the temperature thingy in my car. Some of my plants aren’t doing very well. We’ll soon be having a cold snap though. Next week it should be in the 90s. Once kind of nice thing is that the water temperature in the pool was 92 degrees today.

I have my transplant schedule now. I’m starting leukine shots tomorrow, and that will go on for 5 days. Then I’ll have neupogen for the remainder of the time. On the 14th, I’ll have the double lumen catheter put in and then the stem cell collection will take place on the 15th and 16th. High dose chemo (melphalan) will be on the 28th and I’ll have my stem cells infused on the 29th. For 2-3 weeks after, I’ll have what they call “supportive care.” That’s that. It’ll be over before I know it. Right?

Last two lab reports

Before I started my last cycle of Velcade and Doxil, I had blood drawn at Duke. Since then, I’ve had no treatment. I’ve been waiting to undergo high dose chemo and stem cell rescue. These are the values from the last two reports.

July 2, 2007

M-spikes: 0.20 + 0.14 = 0.34 g/dL
IgA: 534 mg/dL [46-287]
IgG: 447 mg/dL [588-1573]
IgM: 25 mg/dL [57-237]
IgE: 11 IU/mL [4-269]
Beta-2 Microglobulin: 1.7 mg/L [<2.0]
IG Free light chain kappa: 0.11 mg/dL [0.33-194]
IG Free light chain lambda: 1.31 mg/dL [0.57-2.63]
IG FLC Kappa/Lambda ratio: 0.08 [0.26-1.65]

August 2, 2007

M-spikes: 0.28 g/dL + 0.12 g/dL = 0.4 g/dL
IgA: 668 mg/dL [46-287]
IgG: 381 mg/dL [588-1573]
IgM: 28 mg/dL [57-237]
IgE: 10 IU/mL [4-269]
Beta-2 Microglobulin: 1.8 mg/L [<2.0]
IG Free light chain kappa: 0.01 mg/dL [0.33-194]
IG Free light chain lambda: 1.95 mg/dL [0.57-2.63]
IG FLC Kappa/Lambda ratio: 0.01 [0.26-1.65]

Duke day

Today I’m at Duke for tests to make sure I’m healthy enough to undergo high dose chemo. I did this last year at WFUBMC, but didn’t go through with the SCT at that time.

Right now I’m waiting to have an EKG. There’s one person in line ahead of me.

This morning I woke up feeling kind of crummy. I have achy muscles and did have a headache. I’m sure it’s that bug bite, and I’m doomed to die a lingering and painful death. Nah, I don’t really think that. I showed the bite on my leg to a PA at UNC on Tuesday, and he said it was a bite for sure. I told him I had done Internet research on various spider bites and had convinced myself that I was going to die (soon). He verified that I AM going to die. We all are.

Now I’m waiting for an echocardiogram.

Back to the muscle aches. It feels as though I spent the day at the gym. We all know I didn’t. I walked and swam yesterday, but that’s something I do almost every day. I’m sure it’ll pass, but I’ll mention it to the doctor when I see him.

Dr. Orlowski is moving to Houston, to head up the MM program at MD Anderson. We’ll miss him. I feel a little less safe than I did before, but I can still email or call him if I need advice. There was a little party for him on Tuesday. J and I brought a pecan pie and some brownies. Rey made flan, which looked like something from a magazine. I was sure he bought it. I bought the pie & brownies, of course. I don’t think I could bake anything even if my life depended on it. Fortunately, my life has never depended on my ability to bake a pie.

I did the 24 hour urine collection to bring along with me. Karen has wonderful descriptions of her own experiences, so go on over to her blog (Adventures of Cancer Girl in my blogroll) to read about it. I’m with her. It’s my least favorite of the tests. I don’t think ANY test qualifies as a favorite. They all include some sort of discomfort or inconvenience. It’s possible that MRI is at the top of the easiest though. I just get comfy and sometimes take a snooze. Anyway, After I was about 30 minutes from home this morning (on my way to Duke), I realized that I forgot the jug. I called my nurse, Martha, and asked if it was more important to have the jug or be on time for my appointment. She told me to go back and get it.

Ok, now I’m all done with the cardio stuff and the pulmonary function test. I did very well, which I attribute to swimming.

Blood has been drawn, and I’m waiting for the doctor. I’ll write more later.

What IS this?

This doesn’t have anything to do with MM, most likely. I can’t remember having an insect bite or walking into any unusual foliage. It’s been at least 3 weeks since my last chemo, so I don’t think it can be a reaction to that. I’ve had shingles a couple of times, so I’m familiar with how that would look and know it’s not that. This rash itches, but not so much that I have to claw at it. I can pretty much ignore it. It’s about 3 inches above my ankle on my left leg. What is it?



It’s been a while since I posted anything. Time gets away from me.

I have an appointment at Duke on August 2nd. I’ll start all the tests that need to be done prior to SCT, such as bone marrow biopsy (joy), EKG, blood tests and more.

I’m typing this from my new MacBook! I got this so I can do podcasts and videos.

More soon!

This just in

This came to me by email. It looks interesting. I have XM Radio, so will try to remember to listen.

TeleSupport?? Cancer Network

This Sunday on The Group Room?? cancer talk radio show

Sunday, July 15, 2007
1???3pm PT ?? 4 ??? 6pm ET

Multiple Myeloma

Nearly 20,000 people will be diagnosed with this cancer of the plasma cells (I think they meant to put “each year” here). This is often a painful disease and while not curable it is treatable, so if you or someone you care about is dealing with Multiple Myeloma, then there are clinical advances you need to know about. Join us in The Group Room as we partner with the International Myeloma Foundation to talk about the issues that impact patients and their loved ones with host, Selma Schimmel, CEO & Founder of Vital Options International and special guests:

Dr. Brian Durie

Senior Advisor, Hematologic Malignancies, National Director, Multiple Myeloma, Aptium Oncology, Inc., Attending Physician, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Outpatient Cancer Center at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Los Angeles, CA; Chairman, International Myeloma Foundation

Susie Novis

President, International Myeloma Foundation

Call in and participate!
1-800-GRP-ROOM ?? (1-800-477-7666)
or e-mail us at

For a listing of stations in your area or to listen to the live Internet Simulcast visit The Group Room can be heard live via XM Satellite Radio on TalkRadio Channel 165. Download podcasts of The Group Room at iTunes and iRadioNow!

The Group Room is produced by VITAL OPTIONS INTERNATIONAL, a non-profit cancer communications, support and advocacy organization, in association with Premiere Radio Networks.

Vital Options International
4419 Coldwater Canyon Ave., Suite I ?? Studio City, CA 91604-1479
Tel: 818-508-5657 ?? Fax: 818-788-5260 ?? Toll-Free: 800-477-7666 ??

Sleep is good

When I got home from having Doxil and Velcade yesterday, I could hardly stay awake. I have benedryl in my IV to try to keep me from getting those hives from the Velcade. They’re not completely eliminated, but much less severe with the benedryl and dexamethasone. However, it makes me very sleepy! It’s amazing that when I have IV benedryl, it has this effect on me. When I take a pill, I hardly feel it at all. I can feel the benedryl move up the veins in my arm when it’s pushed. It burns. Then I feel like I’m drunk. When I get home, all I want to do is sleep. So, that’s what I do. It’s not as though I have a choice.

Today I got up early. I bought some sod for the back yard, and someone came to lay it down, but his helper left at lunch time. After lunch, I looked out the window and saw him and his mamacita working out there, so I decided to go help them. Boy, is that back breaking work! I had done another part of the yard a few months ago, which is why I decided to hire someone to do it this time. Thank goodness it started to rain. We all got to quit then.

Anyway, after working hard today and having chemo yesterday, I’m beat. It will be an early night for me.