News about Stan Winston

The news has been filled with reports about the death of Stan Winston from myeloma the last few days. I didn’t know who he was, but I saw many of the films on which he worked. As a myeloma patient though, I was more interested in his disease than his work.  I wanted to know what treatments he had tried and how aggressive his cancer was. Where was he treated?  Did he have a stem cell transplant?  Did he have any remissions during that seven years?

None of my questions was answered. I think he may have been treated at the IMBCR, because I saw that listed as one of the preferred recipients of donations to be made in his memory.

What a great show!

I wanted to post this for other fans of the B’s. It was difficult to do more than get close-ups because of the people standing in front of us. It would have been nice if people would have remained seated and quiet for the show!

IgA is pretty stable after stem cell transplant

This is a chart of my IgA values since before the SCT last summer.  I stopped Velcade and Doxil in July, 2007 and the SCT took place at the end of August. This is quantitative serum IgA in mg/dL. The test on 10/11/2007 was the first one I had after stem cell transplant.

I’ve never once regretted having the SCT, and only wish I had done it earlier. In my case, nothing was keeping the mm under control for very long. The SCT has allowed me to be off treatment for 10 months now, which is a long time for me.

Duke allows me to look at my lab results online, and I’ve been waiting to see what my m-spikes are (I have two).  So far, they’ve stayed under 0.5 g/dL when added together.  That’s so much better than the 3.4 g/dL they were back in 2003.

IgA values in mg/dL

The reference range at Duke’s lab for IgA is 46 – 287.

The B-52’s

I’ve liked the B-52’s since I first heard them back in 1979. For some reason, it took me this long to go see them perform. I think everyone should see them! Buy their new CD, Funplex, and all the other ones, too!

I sneaked this quick video. It’s Cyndi Lauper introducing the B-52’s. Don’t tell anyone about this.

Duran Duran at the Cary Amphitheatre

Duran Duran at the Cary Amphitheatre, May 21, 2008I was at the Cary Amphitheatre for the first time last week to see Duran Duran. It was a great show, and I loved the venue. I plan on going back in the future.

Duran Duran was fabulous! You know how some bands don’t sound like themselves at a live performance? I think some musicians have so much in the way of studio enhancements that they can’t match it when they play in front of a live audience. Duran Duran isn’t like that. They sounded great. They’ve been playing some of their stuff for nearly 30 years, so they’ve had a lot of practice.

They played a good mix of old and new songs. Is there anyone else who thinks Last Chance On the Stairway and Ordinary World are their best songs ever?

We all had a wonderful time, and I’m looking forward to doing it again soon. Thanks, everyone (MZ, TV, RS)! KF, it would have been so much fun if you could have made it. Maybe next time?

Here’s a blurry picture of the stage.

Press Release from Mayo Clinic

Mayo researchers isolate compound that obstructs cell growth in multiple myeloma and other cancers fueled by certain proteins
Extract of coconut shrinks tumors by killing cancer cells

Friday, May 09, 2008

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — A natural compound extracted from the milk of coconuts has proven effective in curbing the uncontrolled growth of certain cancer tumors, according to researchers at Mayo Clinic.

A recently published study by Drs. A. Keith Stewart and Rodger E. Tiedemann of the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center indicates that a substance called kinetin riboside, prevents new cell growth in tumors controlled by cyclin D proteins. (Cyclin D proteins are members of the cyclin family of proteins related to cell division.) Kinetin riboside is found in minute quantities in coconut milk and other natural plants and is related to the hormones that govern root growth in plants.

The results of the study were published in the May 1, 2008, issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The journal is published by the American Society for Clinical Investigation, founded in 1908 to recognize important advances in medical research. “Cyclin D is like the gas pedal for cell progression,” Stewart said. “In cancer cells, too much cyclin is produced and overwhelms the cell, causing it to grow too quickly. Kinetin riboside appears to switch that process off.”

Three closely related proteins called cyclin D1, D2 and D3 are found in all proliferating cell types and collectively control the progression of cells through their cell cycle. Since D-cyclin proteins are essential to cell division, they are implicated in certain types of cancer.

After screening more than 4,000 drugs and natural compounds for their ability to control cyclin, the study narrowed the possibilities to about 30. Eventually, Stewart and Tiedemann focused on only one—kinetin riboside—as a way to control the cyclin D proteins.

Kinetin riboside works by rapidly binding itself to the cyclin gene and switching off the normal progression of cell division. Laboratory tests on mice demonstrated some cancer cells died as a result of the process, causing tumors to shrink in size. Healthy body cells remained unaffected.

The Mayo study focused on cells found in multiple myeloma tumors, but Cyclin D1 and D2 is important in the progression of many other cancers, including breast, prostate, colon, parathyroid adenoma, certain lymphomas and melanoma.

“Kinetin riboside not only stops myeloma cells from growing, it kills large numbers of the tumor cells as well,” Tiedemann says. “Its effectiveness in controlling cyclin holds the promise of a therapy for a number of different cancers.”

The researchers are now focusing on developing modified versions of the compound that offer the same benefits but possess specific characteristics that make it more desirable for the development of clinical drugs.

More than 60,000 Americans have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. An estimated 15,000 new cases are reported each year and it accounts for a disproportionate 2 percent of all cancer deaths. The research was partially funded by the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Mayo Clinic Cancer Center is one of only 39 U.S. medical centers that have been named as a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Comprehensive Cancer Center. To receive this designation, an institution must meet rigorous standards demonstrating scientific excellence and the ability to integrate diverse research approaches to address the problem of cancer. Mayo Clinic Cancer Center is the only national, multi-site center with the NCI’s Comprehensive Cancer Center designation. In Arizona, Mayo’s clinical and research experts work together to address the complex needs of cancer patients, with a dedication to understanding the biology of cancer; discovering new ways to predict, prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and transforming the quality of life for cancer patients today and in the future.


To obtain the latest news releases from Mayo Clinic, go to is available as a resource for your health stories.

Google Home Search

I have an idea for Google!  How about Google Home Search?  When I’m looking for something in the house, it would be great if I could type in my query and Google would find it for me. If the item can’t be found, Google could suggest an alternative.

Question: Where’s the TV remote?

Google: The item you searched for could not be found. Perhaps you should go for a bike ride instead.

This is why

Last weekend was our local “Relay for Life” event, which I attended. My nephew, who is almost seven years old, went along with me. He walked with me for the survivors’ lap, which starts the relay. As the survivors pass by, the team members and other spectators usually give a big round of applause. My nephew said he was embarrassed by this and asked why everyone was clapping. I asked him if he knows what cancer is, and he said he did. I explained that everyone he saw walking was a cancer survivor and that people were applauding because we had all been successful in fighting our cancers. He asked, “can it kill you?” I said that it can, and his response was, “I don’t want it to kill you… because I love you.”

This is why we have chemo, take dex and all the other stuff we have do to stay here.