About being registered to vote in more than one state

There have been some questions lately, especially among college students, about whether it’s ok to be registered to vote in two states.  The answer to that question is NO.  It’s not ok to be registered to vote in two states.  When you move from one state to another, it’s YOUR responsibility to notify the old state that you have moved. According to our local board of elections, it can be considered a felony to maintain voter registration in more than one state.  If you have voted in a state in which you are not a resident, you have committed a crime.  You will want to choose ONE state in which to maintain voter registration, and notify all others.  Contact the board of elections in your area to find out how to do that.  Please do not find yourself in a situation in which you could be tried for voter fraud. Voter rolls are being scrutinized in the battleground states!  Worst case scenario = fines and prison.

See you at the polls on November 4

I got my assignment for election day.  I’ll be working at the polls as a greeter, rather than driving voters.  I think this will be more fun.  I’ll get to see more people that way.

I’ll be glad to see this election over and done with.  We’re all getting tired of the negative ads and speeches.  I hope people are just ignoring them.

Panel: Rehire NC trooper shown kicking dog

Please read this story and then tell NC Governor Mike Easley’s office and the Department of Public Safety NOT to allow this officer to be reinstated!  In fact, ask them to see that he is criminally prosecuted!


Associated Press

A former North Carolina state trooper fired last year for kicking his police dog should get his job back, the state government personnel office has ruled.

The State Personnel Commission ruled Friday that the N.C. Highway Patrol failed to prove that Charles Jones’ actions amounted to personal misconduct, the News & Observer of Raleigh reports. The Commission also says Jones should get back pay.

Jones, a 13-year veteran, was fired from his state job last year after he was caught kicking his dog on a cell phone video. The former sergeant was shown suspending the dog from a railing and then kicking it at least five times.

He has been working as a police officer in Apex since earlier this year. A veterinary examination showed the dog, which has been retired from the patrol, was not injured.

The commission also ruled that the patrol lacked clear discipline standards for police dogs and found Jones’ actions were consistent with patrol practices. But the commission did rule that the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety had just cause to discipline Jones “for unacceptable job performance.”

The patrol initially planned to discipline Jones with a lesser penalty but fired him after the governor’s office got involved. Seth Effron, a spokesman for Gov. Mike Easley, referred questions Friday to the Public Safety Department.

Secretary Bryan Beatty had not seen the panel’s decision but “still believes that the Highway Patrol made the right decision in dismissing Jones, and that we will appeal the decision,” Highway Patrol Capt. Everett Clendenin said.


Information from: The News & Observer, http://www.newsobserver.com

Fred Baron, Myeloma and Tysabri

Have you read about the furor over Fred Baron’s quest to get Tysabri to attempt to treat his myeloma?

According to his son’s blog, they believe it could help prolong his life. Andrew Baron says that Biogen, the maker of Tysabri (a drug used to treat MS), will not allow him to have the drug.  It is, however, being tested on MM patients in a phase I trial.

I still have to do some reading on this drug. The side effects are potentially serious, but, when you have only weeks left to live, I don’t suppose that matters.

Andrew’s blog:  http://dembot.com/post/54498664/open-letter-to-james-c-mullen-ceo-of-biogen

Most Haunted Live

I usually don’t watch stuff like this, but I’m tuned in to the Travel Channel to see “Most Haunted Live.” It’s a seven hour live “Most Haunted” marathon. Let’s just say that I’m skeptical. When I was at the Travel Channel, Sue Norton, executive producer, asked us to watch.  So I am.  I even brought a poster back with me to put in our window on SW Broad Street.

Speaking of haunting, I’m going to be at the Inn at the Bryant House tomorrow to shoot some video. The Inn is possibly haunted. :)  We’ll see.  There have been reports of disembodied voices being heard and other such things.  I’ll let you know more about it after I get back.

Co-pay assistance for patients with Multiple Myeloma

Subject: Co-pay assistance for patients with Multiple Myeloma

Myeloma Treatment

Message: Beth,

I just wanted to shoot you a quick message to let you know about our
organization. Patient Access Network Foundation provides co-pay
assistance for medications to insured patients who cannot afford the
co-pays for their treatment. We currently have 20 disease funds
including Multiple Myeloma.

Patients are eligible for assistance as long as they have insurance
that covers part of the cost of the medication, their income is below
400% of the federal poverty level, and they are a US resident.

Patients can apply by visiting our website at
www.patientaccessnetwork.org or by calling to speak with one of our
case managers at 1.866.316.7261.

If you could pass this information on to other patients you know, or
post a link in your blog, we would really appreciate it! We’re
trying to help out every patient we can, and every little bit helps!


Ashley Hutton
Patient Access Network Foundation

Candidate addresses US health care needs

I had the extreme good fortune of meeting the challenger for the NC Sixth Congressional District seat, Teresa Sue Bratton. I asked her to give me a few seconds of her time and asked what she believed was one of the most important issues we face. Dr. Bratton (MD) wants us to have better health care and prevention. I agree 100%.  In a country were health insurance is tied to our jobs, it’s one of the first things to go when we get sick.  A catastrophic illness can result in job loss, which results in the loss of coverage.  Then what?

Dr. Bratton knows that we can prevent many diseases through education and by making better choices. We also need to fill the gap between the insured and uninsured. Nobody should have to go without health care when it’s needed.

Please visit her web site for more information and please vote! My vote’s going to Dr. Bratton.