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Dear Member, coalition supporters took to the pavement last week in 25 cities nationwide, delivering our petitions <> to their senators and urging them to oppose the phone and cable company attempt to gut Net Neutrality.From Buffalo to Fayetteville, Orlando to Seattle, the broad outpouring of public support for Net Neutrality came as the Senate’s August recess ended, and elected representatives return to Washington and the business of making laws. On Wednesday and Thursday, supporters spoke back to the big phone and cable companies. Their message to Senators: “Don’t sell out the Internet. Serve the public interest. Support real Net Neutrality.”In each location, citizens urged their senators to place the needs of the public and our democracy ahead of the interest of phone and cable lobbyists.

Petition delivery events were held at senators’ offices in New York and Buffalo (NY); Fayetteville (AR); Des Moines; Detroit; Denver; Boston; Newark(NJ); Providence(RI); Baltimore; Portland (ME); Seattle and Spokane (WA); Eau Claire, Milwaukee and Madison (WI); Montpelier (VT); Wilmington (DE); Orlando (FL); Honolulu; Louisville (KY); Columbus (OH); Charleston (WV); Minneapolis; and, earlier this month, in Albuquerque and Santa Fe (NM).

You can follow ongoing developments at the blog <> .As senators return to the Beltway this week, their constituents have put the issue sharply into focus. We need to continue exerting pressure through September and beyond to ensure meaningful Net Neutrality protections in Congress.Thanks to you, there is now a growing sense of inevitability that Net Neutrality is something that politicians must protect under law.


Timothy Karr

Campaign Director


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