IgA is pretty stable after stem cell transplant

This is a chart of my IgA values since before the SCT last summer.  I stopped Velcade and Doxil in July, 2007 and the SCT took place at the end of August. This is quantitative serum IgA in mg/dL. The test on 10/11/2007 was the first one I had after stem cell transplant.

I’ve never once regretted having the SCT, and only wish I had done it earlier. In my case, nothing was keeping the mm under control for very long. The SCT has allowed me to be off treatment for 10 months now, which is a long time for me.

Duke allows me to look at my lab results online, and I’ve been waiting to see what my m-spikes are (I have two).  So far, they’ve stayed under 0.5 g/dL when added together.  That’s so much better than the 3.4 g/dL they were back in 2003.

IgA values in mg/dL

The reference range at Duke’s lab for IgA is 46 – 287.


  1. Patience

    Thank you Roobeedoo.I have to say publicly that the “minor litlte thing” that arrived at our door last week was the most thoughtful and hilarious thing we’ve ever gotten. I’m completely serious about this. Ed and I are trying dilligently to find something to drop on your door.(Not because we could possibly match your brilliance, but because you both deserve something memorable from the colonies.)

  2. k k Agarwal

    my brother is having igaN from last 3 years, we want to know wheater this disease is cureable by stemcells or any other medication. if yes we want to know what are the chances of cure, where and whom to contact, give uscomplete information you can.

  3. Jenny Reed

    Please, someone tell me if I can do a stel cell transfer to my beautiful nine year-old son. He was recently diagnosed with Selctive IgA Deficiency and I would like to act now, rather than waiting until his illness progresses. I am scared and angry and could really use some advice on what to do and what is truly feasible here. Thank you and God bless.

    • Beth

      Hi Jenny,

      Please get in touch with your doctor about that. I’ll write more after doing a little research online.


  4. Margaret

    “Stable” has become one of my favourite words in the English language.
    Good job, Beth! I am so thrilled for you!
    Have some chocolate to celebrate these good results!
    :-) Margaret
    Florence, Italy


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