I miss you, Buddy!


  1. Debra Gendel

    A belated condolence on the loss of your beautiful Buddy. What a soulful face! His spirit and love will no doubt live on in your heart. Reminds all of us dog lovers what a precious gift they are to us mere humans. Best wishes.

  2. mnsunshine

    Oh, so sorry sorry. What a shock for your dog to be gone so fast!
    So sad.

  3. Jean Smith

    Buddy came into rescue in March of 2004. His owners were surrendering him because they could no longer afford his care. Oh what a smart fellow he was and I’m so glad Beth brought him by for me to see him again this year. Thank you Beth for giving Buddy a wonderful home with the love he deserved.

    • Beth

      He really was smart! He had a large vocabulary, and knew what I meant when I told him to go look in his bowl or asked him where his leash was. He was my best friend and helped me get through some really rough times. After my transplant, it was Buddy who got me out every day to walk. We rarely missed a day.

  4. Janet


    Sorry to hear about your loss. These passages are just so tough.


  5. Colleen Spears

    I am so sad that Buddy is gone. I miss him. He was such a good dog. He always put a smile on my face when we would get ready to go walking…he’d get so excited. And when he got his hair cut, oh he was so cute. Many times, I babysat him and he was always there for me to pet/rub him but he’d let me give him a hug and after a long, hard day at work, it’s what I would need. He was a part of the family, definitely my friend, and he will be greatly missed but always he will be in my heart and in my memories.

  6. Lopo Lencastre de Almeida

    Sorry for your loss, friend :(

    It’s hard, I know but at least he didn’t suffered for too long.

  7. Beth

    He would get really happy when I put my shoes on, because it sometimes meant we’d be going for a walk. Putting on shoes this morning was heartbreaking for me.

  8. Paula Kilgallon

    Oh, Beth I’m so sorry. But I’m certain that Buddy had a good life with you and he couldn’t have asked for a better companion!

  9. John

    Hi Beth;

    I’m sorry to hear about Buddy. I understand the “anchor” metaphor. I’ve another book you might enjoy, which is relevant to your loss: The Art of Racing in the Rain.


  10. Sandy Banks

    If you have not read “Another Door Opens” by Jeffrey A. Wands, you might take some time to find it in your local library. I have had very special pet friends who have died and then come back to visit me… I particularly remember “Lacey” who was hit by a car. For the next week, she would ‘appear’ in all her regular places for just a short while. I thought I was imagining her, because I missed her too much. Then my youngest daughter said to me one night as I was about to sit on her bed, “Mummy, don’t sit on Lacey!” That was NOT a usual place, but I could feel her energy and a few days later, I ‘saw’ her walking down the road and I knew she was really leaving, but I was OK with it by then.

  11. Beth

    Buddy fell ill last night, very suddenly. He was sick only a few hours, and he passed away early this morning. The vet wasn’t sure what happened, but their attempts to stabilize him failed. An xray showed something like an abdominal mass or tumor. She thinks that played a role somehow. It was so fast. He was excited to go for his nightly walk, which we did. A few hours later, he vomited several times and then collapsed. They gave him fluids and oxygen. He had severe pain in the abdomen that couldn’t be controlled with pain meds. He was my best friend and companion. He was my anchor. I looked forward to seeing him every morning when I woke up and missed him terribly whenever I had to leave him. Tonight will be my first evening walk without him in years.

    • Susie Hemingway

      Hi Beth, I am so sorry to read of your loss – sending a special hug and hopes that your can convert your sadness with some joys remembering all the good times you had together – Blessings.

    • Pauline

      I am sorry to hear of your loss Beth. Loss of your pet is a rough one. Please find comfort in the fact that Buddy did not suffer and God just reached down and gave him a big hug.
      I am sorry for your loss.

  12. Sandy Banks

    I gather that Buddy is gone from your life; and however that happened, my sympathies to you because the loss of a dear pal is hard to take.


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