First day of tests, etc.

I had my first day of tests at the Mayo Clinic. First, let me say that I’m awe struck by the facility itself. Everywhere I’ve been has been clean and well-run. There’s some real architectural beauty there as well. It’s like the Disneyland of healthcare. I mean it. It’s really nice! I don’t want to name any names, but I’ve been in other places in which all I could think about was how icky and gross they are. You know what I mean. Those places where you’re scared to sit in the chairs in the waiting rooms because of those dark stains on the upholstery. Not to mention the big stains of questionable origin on the carpet. I usually feel contaminated when I’m there. This wasn’t the case at the Mayo Clinic. I still took my usual precautions — trying not to touch anything and washing my hands often.

I know I said the accommodations here are nice, too, but I’m retracting that statement. It’s clean and quiet here, but the room a/c has been broken, and I feel like I have a room in Hades. The maintenance guys have been here 4 times now, and I think the situation merits a move to a new room. That’s what’s going to happen later today (it’s 2 AM local time).

Back to the day at the clinic. I got there too early, but that was ok. I had to fill out the usual questionnaires, and that took time. I saw the doctor first, and was impressed. Everything everyone has told me about Dr. Hayman is true. She’s very good at her job. I look forward to seeing her again on Friday to discuss test results. After meeting the doctor, the tests were ordered and off I went. I had blood drawn and deposited a urine sample in one of the stations. It sounds weird, but there are specimen sample stations around the place. when you have the opportunity, you leave yours (inside a sealed container and plastic envelope, of course) in a container. You can find the locations of the containers on the maps which are visible at various points around the buildings. Oh! There are either employees or volunteers who seem to appear out of nowhere just at the moment you need them. If you’re standing there, looking confused, someone will ask you if you need help. If confusion is your normal state, you might find that annoying, but I think it’s quite helpful.

After I had the blood and urine taken care of, I went to pick up my jug. You all know what that is. We’re subjected to a 24 hour urine collection process, which is my least favorite activity, after bone marrow biopsies. I also had x-rays and an EKG and the bone marrow biopsy, which was unremarkable. Nothing like my very first one (“hold on and try not to move.”) at Duke. It was over pretty quickly and I was on my way. Today I have some other imaging study of some kind.

I’ll report on my meeting with Dr. Hayman on Friday.


  1. Gina

    Keeping you in my prayers Beth!

  2. Jude

    Beth, did they give you anything for the biopsy? It is my #1 hate too–it and 24 hr urine is the other. I saw Dr. Schiller today, guess what? More Velcade –only with another drug, Vorinostat (MK-0683) in a trial.

  3. minnesotadon

    Welcome to Minnesota Beth. You could NOT be in better hands. I may seek out Dr Hayman when it’s time for me to go to Mayo, though Dr Lacey and Dr Dispenzieri (SP?) are excellent as well. Sorry about the 24-hour collection; it’s so much easier for guys.


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