Crazy hot

It's TOO hot here

It’s been inexcusably hot here lately. This picture is from yesterday afternoon. Today is supposed to be better, although the forecast still indicated a high of 101 F. I don’t know if it will get that hot though, because it’s only 88 F at 1:00 PM. Temperatures are supposed to be in the 90s after this, for the next several days. We need rain!

This post has a picture I took of the outside temperature indicator in my car on Tuesday.


  1. grderck

    Proud of you giving yourself those shots, My belly is still bruised from the neups and the lovenox shots (4 each day), but you are doing great and will do just fine with your transplant. Yes, It’s hard getting the meds out of the bottle–harder than giving yourself the actual shots! Amy and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers over the next month and follow your blogsite.


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