It’s been colder here lately. This week, anyway. Last week we had temperatures in the 80s!
The county is putting in water for us, and they’ve made quite a mess of the street. The upside is that we’ll have better water pressure and fire hydrants! I think it was as much as 8 years ago that they started making plans to do this. I’m relieved that it’s finally happening. We won’t have to carry water up from the creek anymore. No, we don’t do that! We have wells. The pumps are powered by electricity, even.
This site has some info about where I live.
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. :) Cheers! Sandra. R.
Our county put in water lines, too, but my house is 900 feet from the road. I have to pay to get it run from the road to the houst. My well water sure is tasty, without all those nasty chemicals!
Loved the line about carrying water up from the creek!