Category: Southern Pines

Hannah pays us a visit

Hannah pays us a visit
Hannah pays us a visit

The big storm Hannah is passing through. We’re not expecting much more than 35 mph gusts and lots of rain. I forgot to bring in the stuff from the yard that would be blown away, so I won’t be surprised when I have to walk around the yard to gather it all up to put away. I’m hoping we won’t lose power. If it happens, I’ll be able to go to work, where there’s a generator.  Or, I could take a nap.

Moore County Chamber Announces Finalists: Small Business and Entrepreneur Business of the Year

For Immediate Release
January 24, 2008

Contact: Linda M. Parsons, Vice President
Phone: 910.692.2936

Moore County Chamber Announces Finalists: Small Business and Entrepreneur Business of the Year

SOUTHERN PINES, NC – The Moore County Chamber of Commerce announced at a press conference on January 24, 2008 the six finalists for the Chamber’s Small Business and Entrepreneur Business of the Year Awards. The winner of each of these awards will be presented at the Chamber’s Annual Banquet on January 31, 2008 and is made possible in partnership with Progress Energy.

“The Chamber is proud to showcase the six finalists and their contributions to the enrichment of Moore County’s business Community,” stated Sherwood Blackwood, 2008 Chairman of the Board. According to Sherwood, “The Chamber was looking for a business that despite facing tremendous adversity would do it all over again, and whose fervor for running a business is rivaled only by their willingness to serve the community.”

The criteria for both awards included innovation, response to adversity and community involvement. For innovation the businesses needed to cite examples as to marketing ideas, overcoming significant challenges, employee relations, customer development, technology, distribution and competitive advantages. The category of adversity, the business needed to show how they addressed significant challenges, overcoming one or more of the following: Employee relations, growth, training, retention, management and technology. In the last category the business needed to indicate their involvement in the community, not including industry related organizations or affiliations. The steering committee that reviewed the applications received were Chamber executives and economic development executives from outside of Moore County.

The three finalists for the Entrepreneur Business of the Year Award have been in business less than five years and with less than 50 full time employees. These finalists include HomeChoice Network Inc., Bliss, A Salon Experience and Weichert Realtors, Larose & Company. The finalists for the Small Business of the Year Award have been in business more than five years and also have less than 50 full time employees. These finalists include Pinestar Farms Inc., ConnectNC Inc., and Moore Uniforms. The final award winner of each category will be presented at the Annual Banquet on January 31, 2008 at the Carolina Hotel.

For more information or to purchase tickets to the Moore county Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet visit or call (910) 692-3926.

The mission of the Moore County Chamber of Commerce is to provide quality, value-added services and programs to members to unite Moore County area businesses in a committed effort to strengthen the economic environment and thus, improve the quality of life for all of Moore County. With nearly 800 members the Chamber is instrumental in Advancing Commerce and Community and exists to help strengthen the local economy and promote comprehensive community development.

Linda Parsons
Vice President
Moore County Chamber of Commerce
10677 Hwy 15-501
Southern Pines, NC 28387
910.692-3926 Fax 910.692-0619

Advancing Commerce and Community

Some lab values

I got the results of the tests done Monday at Duke. The full report was faxed to my office, and I haven’t seen it yet, but here’s what I have so far.

M-Spikes (I have two m-spikes)

Last month: 0.19 and 0.12 g/dL (Total is 0.31 g/dL)
This month: 0.16 and 0.22 g/dL (Total is 0.38 g/dL)

Immunoglobulin Profile

Last month: IgA 374 mg/dL Reference: 46-287
This month: IgA 465 mg/dL Reference: 46-287 (up 91)
Last month: IgG 709 mg/dL Reference: 588-1573
This month: IgG 603 mg/dL Reference: 588-1573 (down 106)

I have July and August here. Needless to say, I was fervently hoping for a drop in the IgA and an increase in the IgG.  The one good thing is that the IgG is still in the normal range, where it has never been since I learned I had MM.  It was usually below 300 mg/dL.

Can someone give me a good explanation about why I have two m-spikes? I’ve asked doctors about a zillion times, and I have either forgotten what they told me or didn’t understand it well enough to even remember.

The IMF and cast of Everybody Loves Raymond honor Peter Boyle

This is from Access Hollywood. Way to go, IMF!

Hollywood Radar: November 12, 2007
All Access
The cast of “Everybody Loves Raymond” honored the late Peter Boyle at the International Myeloma Foundation Event to benefit the Peter Boyle Memorial Fund. And, Jerry Seinfeld’s “Bee Movie,” which open in second place last week, moved up to number on with $26 million.

To see a short video, click here.

To make a contribution to the International Myeloma Foundation, click here.

Great weather

It was about 70 degrees here today, which was fabulous. We walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch and didn’t need our coats.

I tried out a new chair at work. I need something on which I can put up my feet. When they’re not up, I have an increase in that neuropathic pain. I’m going to pile some pillows up on the foot rest tomorrow to see if that helps. Otto suggested some T.E.D. socks, so I’m going to look for them next time I’m out someplace.

Almost a week

Tomorrow it will be a week since I got home. I’ll have an appointment with my local oncologist for a blood test. I’ll have a weekly blood draw until I go back to Duke in about 3-4 weeks. I don’t even remember when my appointment is, so I’m counting on them sending a reminder!

I think it will be a good long while before I leave home again. I keep finding things that remind me not to trust people. For example, in my back yard someone took an old broom and burned the end of it off. There’s an ashtray on my deck with cigarette butts in it. Things are missing (including prescriptions like percocet and xanax).

I have some lingering side effects from the SCT. There’s fatigue, which must be from anemia (I’m guessing). My eyes water constantly. I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep at night. The first several days I had achy legs, but that’s better now. I have what looks like mild rosacea. I feel like I lost muscle mass while I was gone, because my legs are weak. I’m walking every day, but probably not as much as I should. Last, but not least, my GI tract is still not normal. I was told it could take up to a month for that to get better. I plan on writing more about what the mucositis was like. I’m just not sure when. My concentration is weak, so writing is a chore. Oh! If you’re waiting for a reply from me via email, I promise to get that done soon.

Home at last!

I made it home yesterday.  I’m SO glad to be here. I went straight to bed when I got home, and slept for what felt like forever.  I got up at 5:30 this morning, walked the dog and then went back to bed until 10:30.  It felt great to sleep in. It’s nice not to be on anyone else’s schedule.  I found myself feeling bored this afternoon, but that passed. :)

Thanks to everyone who made this easier for me.  You all know who you are. Thanks especially to Rachel and Monica.

More tomorrow!