On Tuesday, I went to UNC with a friend. We often ride together, since we see the same doctor. I asked for a printout of may lab results, and here it is.
Test Name Result Flag Units Range
IGG, Serum 347 L MG/DL 600-1700
IGM, Serum <25 L MG/DL 35-290
IGA, Serum 676 H MG/DL 40-400
SPE Interpretation The SPE pattern demonstrates a
single band of restricted mobility in the gamma region, which
may represent monoclonal protein.
Total Protein, SPE 7.5 G/DL 6.6-8.0
Immunofix, Serum Monoclonal component typed as IgA Lambda.
Concentration of monoclonal protein determined
by serum protein electrophoresis is 0.7 g/dL.
Kappa Free, Serum <0.30 L MG/DL 0.33-1.94
Lambda Free, Serum 1.29 MG/DL 0.57-2.63
K/L FLC Ratio Unable to calculate the ratio due to a free light chain
concentration that is too low to accurately quantify.
After my friend’s appointment, we left, and were in the parking garage when she got a call on her cell phone from the doctor. He asked her to come back so she could be admitted. Her creatinine level had risen to 4.4 mg/dL! She has spent the last few days in the hospital at UNC, undergoing tests and receiving IV normal saline. Tomorrow is a kidney biopsy. It’s likely she’ll be able to go home on Saturday. We all hope her kidneys will recover quickly.