Category: Myeloma Blogs

Post about new “Blood” study from Margaret’s blog

I wanted to share this link with my readers, because it’s an important discussion about cure vs control and other aspects of myeloma treatment or management.

Please read it and let me know what you think.  I’ve long thought I probably should have held off on treatment for as long as possible, and my post-SCT strategy is to stay treatment free for as long as possible. I expect to withhold treatment until symptoms affect QOL.

Blogs and more blogs

We’ve been working on creating more planets like the Myeloma Planet.  The next two to be launched will be the Leukemia and Lymphoma Planets.  If you have (or someone you know has) a blog about their leukemia or lymphoma experiences, please click on the Contact Tab and let me know about it.  We’ll add it to the feeds.

Here’s some news from the garden!

I have one tomato that’s almost ready to be picked, there are some jalapenos and one broccoli plant that’s showing signs of actually becoming broccoli.  Green beans are still a bit off in the future, as are the squash.  There’s been loads of rain and lots of hot sun.

Test results and other stuff

I had blood drawn on 6/3, and got the results back today.

Test: Result (Normal Range)

IGG: 455 (600-1700)
IGM: 34 (35-290)
IGA: 466 (40-400)

This is from last time, so you can see there’s not much change!

IGG: 466 (600-1700)
IGM: 31 (35-290)
IGA: 408 (40-400)

I found a new web site that I’m still checking out.  It has details about lab tests and other info.

Anyway, the doc says I’m still smoldering!

I was at Five Points Pet Resort a couple of weeks ago, where this green-winged macaw engaged us.  He has a lot of personality!

Myeloma Blogs web site gets a facelift, a blog feed aggregator for patient and caregiver myeloma blogs, has been revamped.  It’s all new, thanks to our good friend, Lopo Lencastre de Almeida of iPublicis.

The site has a new look and will allow you to read a short excerpt of posts, search posts and browse by tags.  You can also help spread the word by sharing blogs posts on many social networking sites.

You’ll see what I mean.  Head on over to

More facebook time

Most of us need to find reasons to spend more time on facebook, so Margaret and I have come up with a facebook group for myeloma patients, caregivers, friends, family and others.

From Margaret’s blog:

  • And finally, as if we weren’t busy enough!, day before yesterday a friend and I decided to create a Multiple Myeloma Support Group on Facebook. It’s a private support group (that is, FB users who are not group members cannot read anything we write)…so, if you belong to FB, please join us! The group was created less than 48 hours ago, and we already have 74 members… By the way, this group is intended mainly for myeloma, SMM and MGUS folks and caregivers, but other cancer patients are welcome, too. Click on:!/group.php?gid=108654495840465 (I hope the link works…please let me know if it doesn’t). Then click on “Request to join.” If your membership request doesn’t get approved immediately, that simply means that Beth and I aren’t online, so please be patient. Anyway, until there is a cure, we need to provide support for one another…and also exchange useful information about both conventional and alternative treatments, with a bit of humor sprinkled around, whenever possible…!
  • While you are at it, you can also become a fan of my blog on FB:!/pages/Margarets-Corner-Living-with-smoldering-myeloma/312414599519?ref=ts

Please join us there. Stop in and say hello!

Myeloma Planet – the list of every myeloma blog in the world

There’s a new list of myeloma blogs, which will make it easier to keep up on your favorite patient and caregiver blogs. It’s not really every myeloma blog in the world, but I’m trying.

If you want your blog to appear on the list, get in touch with me. Please know that  I can only add blogs that have an RSS feed and are written by patients or their caregivers.

Visit the planet » Myeloma blogs