Category: Life


Our sister’s project is featured on the local news!

Rachel’s project, WriterHouse, has been featured on Charlottesville’s NBC affiliate station, channel 29. Click here to read the story.

Writer House get some media attention

WriterHouse web site Charlottesville Virginia

None of the WriterHouse members wrote this article! They would have used a spell checker. Actually, they wouldn’t need to use a spell checker.  Some of them are competitors in the area’s annual spelling contest to raise money for literacy.

You can visit their web site at

The mission of WriterHouse is to promote the creation and appreciation of literature and to encourage the development of writers of all levels by providing affordable, secure workspace and meeting space, high quality writing instruction, and literary events for the public.

WriterHouse, Inc. is a non-profit organization, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and registered as a charitable organization with the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs. A financial statement is available from the State Office of Consumer Affairs in the the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon request.

Contact Rachel Unkefer for more information.

Good discussions over at – What are your ideas about cutting down on salt? I was personally never worried about it, because I never used to add salt to anything.  Processed foods are packed with sodium though, and there’s the problem.

Cindy has been keeping us up to date with her condition at  I think it’s good to read about other peoples’ experiences because they help us to recognize things when they happen to us.

Margaret is trying to stay on top of a mountain of research, and posts it to her blog: I’m about to give some of her experiments a try.  I’m still stable a year after the SCT, and want to keep it that way as long as possible.

I’ll post about some more blogs at a later time.

I stayed home from work today because I felt ill from the early morning on. I’m having some tea now, and am starting to feel better.  I should be back to normal tomorrow.

I got the power

We did lose power in the early morning.  I think it was about 3:00 AM.  I was just ready to go to sleep, so I didn’t mind much.  It wasn’t too hot, so I didn’t need a fan or air conditioning.  The thing is, I have an adjustable bed that’s powered by electricity and I had the head and feet elevated some.  I had to sleep that way, since there was no way to flatten it out again.  I woke up at about 7:00 and there was still no power, so I went back to sleep until about 9:00.  Since there was STILL no power, I decided I’d call Progress Energy.  I’m sure thousands of other people had called as well, but who could be sure? We all know about bystander apathy, and I think that extends to reporting power outages as well. The recorded message told me that there was no way to say for sure when the power would be restored, but that they were working on it.  They let me know that I was not alone in my suffering. Approximately 55,000 other Progress Energy customers were also without power. I went back to sleep and stayed in bed until 1:00 in the afternoon. The power was back on by 10 or 11, I think, at which time I used it to flatten the bed out so I could have a few hours of proper sleep.

Hannah pays us a visit

Hannah pays us a visit
Hannah pays us a visit

The big storm Hannah is passing through. We’re not expecting much more than 35 mph gusts and lots of rain. I forgot to bring in the stuff from the yard that would be blown away, so I won’t be surprised when I have to walk around the yard to gather it all up to put away. I’m hoping we won’t lose power. If it happens, I’ll be able to go to work, where there’s a generator.  Or, I could take a nap.

What a great show!

I wanted to post this for other fans of the B’s. It was difficult to do more than get close-ups because of the people standing in front of us. It would have been nice if people would have remained seated and quiet for the show!

The B-52’s

I’ve liked the B-52’s since I first heard them back in 1979. For some reason, it took me this long to go see them perform. I think everyone should see them! Buy their new CD, Funplex, and all the other ones, too!

I sneaked this quick video. It’s Cyndi Lauper introducing the B-52’s. Don’t tell anyone about this.

Duran Duran at the Cary Amphitheatre

Duran Duran at the Cary Amphitheatre, May 21, 2008I was at the Cary Amphitheatre for the first time last week to see Duran Duran. It was a great show, and I loved the venue. I plan on going back in the future.

Duran Duran was fabulous! You know how some bands don’t sound like themselves at a live performance? I think some musicians have so much in the way of studio enhancements that they can’t match it when they play in front of a live audience. Duran Duran isn’t like that. They sounded great. They’ve been playing some of their stuff for nearly 30 years, so they’ve had a lot of practice.

They played a good mix of old and new songs. Is there anyone else who thinks Last Chance On the Stairway and Ordinary World are their best songs ever?

We all had a wonderful time, and I’m looking forward to doing it again soon. Thanks, everyone (MZ, TV, RS)! KF, it would have been so much fun if you could have made it. Maybe next time?

Here’s a blurry picture of the stage.