Category: Life


Daytona 500

I just got a call from my brother, who is working at the Daytona 500. He says Daytona Security just backed over the Budweiser dog and killed it! :( This isn’t something you’ll see on the news, but you heard it here first!

Late night

Last night we worked on programming a router for DSL. I made a mistake that made us have to stay several hours longer than we really needed to. I hate when I do that! I was in a fog though, from being tired and on dex. It’s not really conducive to doing good work. We left about 3:30 am, and I was able to sleep almost immediately when I got home. I slept until after 2:00 this afternoon! I could go back to bed now, but I hate wasting so much sleeping.

I start my 4 days off of dex tomorrow. Thank goodness. I like the days off. After a few more months, I’ll go to taking dex for just 4 days a month (40 mg each day). That will be a relief. One thing dex does do though, is help with aches and pains. I’ll notice that, for sure. I have some arthritis which will ache more.

My blood sugar has been good this time around. Still high for me, but better than in the past. For example, when I woke up this morning, it was 102 mg/dL. There have been times in the past when it was near 200. Usually, I can expect it to be somewhere between 75 and 90. After a meal, it can go to 130 or so. When on dex though, look out! It can go as high as 230. I keep on walking and avoid simple carbs and sugars to keep it as low as I can.

Killed in Iraq

Our new neighbor was killed in Iraq last week. He had just built a new home on our street a few months ago. I never got the chance to meet him, because he was rarely home. Now I know why. He was overseas. There are a few soldiers living on our street. We’re quite close to Fort Bragg, the home of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Dog trouble

I took my dog out for a walk this evening, and what actually ended up happening was a fight with another dog. A very small Yorkshire terrier that wasn’t on a leash. I found out that I’m not in control of my dog. Not even close. I don’t have a BIG dog. He’s a collie/golden mix, and is about 56 lbs. It took every ounce of strength to get him away from the other dog (who kept running TOWARD my dog). I put my entire weight into it, and it was hard work. It was dark out. I like to walk at night. One reason I take my dog out at night is that we’re less likely to encounter anyone. Sometimes he will behave himself if we see people or other dogs, and sometimes he won’t. I took him immediately home and called to sign up for obedience training. I haven’t been a very good dog owner, because I haven’t been firm with him at all. Lately, he’s gotten more and more bratty! This morning I made some bread and left it on the counter. Within a few minutes he had it on the floor. When I tried to take it away from him, he growled at me! Anyway, the beginning obedience class starts on Sunday and runs 8 weeks. After that, there are other classes we can take. I’m interested in getting him to listen to commands and to stop his aggressive behavior.

When I take Buddy to the dog park, where they’re all allowed off their leashes, he seems to do fine. It’s when he’s on a leash that he becomes a monster. In the meantime, I’m going to stop using the retractible leash and just keep him on a short leash. When he pulls, I’ll have to stop him. Giving him more leash because he pulled was a reward for bad behavior.


I know it’s just a movie, and I shouldn’t let this get to me. I have a problem with the ages of the actors in this movie. Harrison Ford is going to be 64 in 2006. Virginia Madsen is in her 40s. In the story, they have two young children. I don’t know what the statistics are, but it bothers me that they didn’t choose a younger actor to play the lead, making the situation more realistic. There’s nothing cute about starting a family at 60. In fact, I think it’s irresponsible. Give Harrison Ford some grandpa roles.

3 Miles!

I did 3 miles today. No small feat for me, being on dex. But I pushed myself. I didn’t let myself turn into my driveway and go home when I passed. I also did 1/2 hour of leg exercises. I can’t manage upper body stuff right now. Whenever I try, my right arm hurts. It may be different now that I’m on dex. That seems to get rid of my aches & pains. I should talk to the doc about it though. When I had my first xrays, there appeared to be a tiny dark spot on my right humerus, but nobody ever said anything about it. It was circled on a few of the films. I never asked, not wanting to think there was anything wrong, of course!


I’ve been trying to exercise more every day. Before, I would let myself get away with once around my neighborhood, which is .6 miles. Now I go twice around. I try to go around at least 3 times a day. I have this weird thing that happens when I exercise! I smell a pretty strong ammonia smell afterwards. I don’t know if it’s something just I can smell, or if other people can smell it, too? What do I do? Ask people to smell me? Yikes.

In addition to the walking, I do these leg exercises for 20-30 minutes a day. When spring comes, and I can swim, I’ll work on upper body strength. The dex can really do a number on your legs, so I’m paying close attention to that.

Before I had MM, I tore out the ACL in my right kneee. I had PT before a few surgeries. The last surgery was a patellar tendon graft. It has held up fine. The first time I went for PT though, my legs were very strong. the therapist asked, “Why are you here?” I explained. But while they were checking over my gait and measuring things, they talked to each other about how muscular I was. Well, that’s not the case anymore. I hope I can get that back. I realize it will take some hard work, and I’m willing to do that now. I’m only 44, and am not ready to become an invalid!