Category: Life


What nobody tells you about pools

When you have a pool, you have to turn off the pump at night. If you don’t, you’ll find dead animals in your skimmer. I found a product called FrogLog, that I set up at night to help little animals get out of the pool if they fall in. Since I’ve been turning off the pump and setting out the FrogLogs, I haven’t found anything in my skimmer, thank goodness. Tonight though, I did find a mouse swimming. I fished him out with a net, but I think he was beyond exhaustion. He hasn’t moved since I set him down on a soft bit of grass. I hope he recovers. I don’t know what else I can do for him. I’ll check on him later. For now, I would guess he needs to rest and not have the bejesus scared out of him by a giant with a flashlight every few minutes.

IMF Seminar

I’ll be going to the IMF seminar in Philadelphia in August with my friend J. We’ll drive up on the 4th so we can be there on the 5th. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again (Suzanne, Susie, Dr. Durie). JG lives nearby, so I’ll make some time to stop & see her.

This time, I’ll make sure I’m not taking dex during the trip. In times past, I’ve been so worn out from dex that I had to take time to crash during the sessions. Since I’m on standard dose dex now, I can take it on 4 days after I get home.

Hospital visit

Yesterday when I had my monthly appointment, I was planning on meeting a list friend whom I’ll call B. I called B’s cell phone and the person answering told me that B had been admitted to the hospital! I found the right room and stopped to say hello. It wasn’t the kind of first meeting I hoped for, but I’m sure it wasn’t for B, either. Never-the-less, it made me realize (again) how lucky I’ve been. I did a rare thing and sent up a prayer for B, for a speedy and complete recovery.

Relay for Life Survivor Reception

We had a successful reception Sunday at the National Golf Club. I was glad to meet A.W., another MM patient. You’d think this would be rare, since there are only about 50,000 of us in the United States. She has been in treatment since 1998, when she had her first stem cell transplant in Arkansas. Even a second SCT didn’t give her much treatment free time. She has had about every tx you can think of, except Revlimid.

Anyway, the reception was great. The food was yummy and the company was the best. We had donations to give away as door prizes, and every single person received a prize.

Thanks to everyone who came to help.


Anyone who has ever watched Six Feet Under knows about a “pre-need.” It’s about making arrangements for your funeral before you need to. Today I made the arrangements for my final disposition. I don’t need a funeral or anything like that. I’m an atheist, so a service isn’t necessary. I’ll be cremated in a cardboard box and then my remains will be put into a smaller cardboard box and given to a family member. What I think would be nice is to have my ashes poured into the ground where a nice shrub will be planted.

Truth in Fur Labeling Act Can Save Cats and Dogs

Every year in China, millions of cats and dogs are killed for their fur which is then exported to countries around the world, including the U.S. While it is strictly illegal to sell cat and dog fur in America, there is a loophole that makes the law almost impossible to enforce. That is, clothing stores are allowed to sell fur garments without specifying whether the fur is real or synthetic, the species of animal the fur comes from or the country where the garments were made as long as the fur’s value is $150 or less. This means that as many as 500,000 or one in seven fur garments sold in the U.S. lack labels specifying this important information. This leaves most American consumers unaware that their clothing could contain dog and cat fur, but most would be disgusted and outraged if they knew. Read the rest and take action.

Major confusion!

Today I went for a Zometa infusion, thinking it was Thursday. I checked in and got my infusion. Nobody said a word. I drove home and preapred to go for an MRI, still believing it’s Thursday. Luckily, my sister called me. Somehow, the day of the week came up, and I was told that today is Wednesday! It would have been interesting to see see if I had gotten in for the MRI too! I have done things like this before. I have been a day late for appointments or a few hours off. It hasn’t happened very often, but usually I’m allowed to keep the new appointment I made for myself. :) I had the added bonus of the nurse where I get my Zometa telling me I look terrible.