Category: Life


Another year

I can’t believe it. Another year is almost over.

I haven’t written much in the last several days. A lot’s been going on, but I haven’t had time to write. And, my typing finger is sore from work. :)

I had an appointment with Don Gabriel, a transplant doc at UNC. He’s a very nice guy, and I liked him instantly. I’ve been researching a potential problem he brought up, but have discovered that it’s not a problem at all. Some doctors believe that, to have a successful stem cell transplant, the cells must be harvested when the % of plasma cells in the bone marrow is below a certain number (like 20%). Mine were at 30% at the time of my harvest. I was very worried that I might have to go through the harvest process again, but I put in an SOS to the IMF and was assured that I’ll be ok to go ahead without a second stem cell collection by members of the scientific advisory board. Now my questions are: Do I have to have more treatment before the SCT? Can I use just melphalan alone, since cytoxan didn’t have any effect on my myeloma?

I’m scheduled to begin Velcade + Doxil and possibly dexamethasone on January 9th, 2007. Of course, I’d be happy to find out that I didn’t need additional treatment before the high dose chemo, but I’m guessing it’s not likely. It’s all getting closer, and I’m nervous and afraid.

In the mean time, I’m going to try to forget that I have cancer. I’m just going to enjoy this treatment-free time.

Oh! For those of you who wonder about this… when you stop dexamethasone, you do lose weight (if you gained it from the steroids). Without trying, in my case, which is cool. I still have the moon face. I wonder how long it takes for that to go away? Anyway, I lost just under 25 lbs so far. I’m guessing the chemo and the SCT will melt away the pounds as well, but I don’t recommend it!

Amneris Solano, thanks for the very nice article you wrote in the Fayetteville Observer. Thanks, Matt Moriarty, for the article you wrote for the Pilot. I hope we’re successful in raising the money we need for the IMF.

Holy Crap!

That’s what Peter Boyle’s character, Frank Barone, used to say on “Everybody Loves Raymond,” a CBS sitcom which had its last season last year. Peter Boyle, who suffered from myeloma, died on December 13th in New York City. His family has asked that donations be made in his memory to the International Myeloma Foundation.


About a year ago, I got certified to teach the Basics of Selling on eBay, but I only held a few workshops. I was on high dose steroids and Revlimid, and I just didn’t feel like doing much. Before I go back on some kind of treatment again, and then onto SCT, I wanted to put on some more workshops. If you live in the area, and would like to get some training to help you buy or sell on eBay, click on the URL below. I just got a new camera, so I’m going to scrounge around the house for stuff to sell. :)

Compression fractures

My latest skeletal survey was done on October 4th, and I just read the report yesterday. The radiologist reported observing wedging from apparent compression fractures at T12 and L1. This wasn’t something I had seen in the surveys done in years past. It may be a new thing.

STC soon, most likely

I saw the doctor yesterday. The chemo I had in October did nothing for me, so I need to have some more and then on to a transplant. They don’t really do many bone marrow transplants anymore. Instead, they use stem cells. It will probably be February by the time I’m admitted for my transplant. In the mean time, I’m going to try to enjoy myself as much as possible, exercise a lot more (so I can be stronger for the transplant) and do some kind of chemo, which has yet to be determined. I failed a few treatments, so there’s one choice left, pretty much (Velcade in some combo). I’m in a situation where my cancer grows whenever I’m not constantly being treated for it. Time off is great and feels wonderful, but my disease likes it too. I’m not going to lie. I worry about my dog outliving me, and what will happen to him. How can I be sure he’ll be taken care of and loved? My cat, too.

I have an appointment on December 13 to see the transplant doctor.

Thanks for the article

I wanted to say thanks to Matt Moriarty at the Pilot for helping to raise awareness about MM by writing an article about my campaign to raise funds for the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF). If you’re local, and would like to make a tax deductible donation, you can click on the link to the left or drop your check made out to the International Myeloma Foundation at our office at 285 West New York Avenue in Southern Pines. The IMF is rated 4 stars by, so you know your donation will be put to good use.

I wanted to make a correction or two to the article content. I’m not sure how I came to have myeloma. One of the possible causes of MM is exposure to too much radiation, but (as far as I know), I’ve never had anything more than xrays. I did work in an industry for a short time in which a lot of toxic chemicals are used.

My stem cells are frozen at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem. The procedure to have them reinfused is non-invasive. The cells are thawed and then returned to the patient intravenously.

Advances in cancer research are being accomplished almost daily. There are some who believe a cure for MM is within the realm of possibility in the not to distant future! The good news about much of this research is that it can be applied to other diseases. Velcade, a proteasome inhibitor approved for MM, is now being tested for use against lymphomas, leukemias, lung cancers and others.


I’m urging all readers to resist the urge to watch OJ Simpson on television or to buy his book. I’m not even going to say what US network will be airing the interview or when. You, the readers of this blog, are a smart and decent bunch, so this isn’t really directed at you. I’m hoping others will stumble upon the message and take heed. Why not go out for a pizza instead? It won’t be as unhealthy for you as inviting OJ back into your lives!