Category: Life


Google Home Search

I have an idea for Google!  How about Google Home Search?  When I’m looking for something in the house, it would be great if I could type in my query and Google would find it for me. If the item can’t be found, Google could suggest an alternative.

Question: Where’s the TV remote?

Google: The item you searched for could not be found. Perhaps you should go for a bike ride instead.

This is why

Last weekend was our local “Relay for Life” event, which I attended. My nephew, who is almost seven years old, went along with me. He walked with me for the survivors’ lap, which starts the relay. As the survivors pass by, the team members and other spectators usually give a big round of applause. My nephew said he was embarrassed by this and asked why everyone was clapping. I asked him if he knows what cancer is, and he said he did. I explained that everyone he saw walking was a cancer survivor and that people were applauding because we had all been successful in fighting our cancers. He asked, “can it kill you?” I said that it can, and his response was, “I don’t want it to kill you… because I love you.”

This is why we have chemo, take dex and all the other stuff we have do to stay here.

Moore County Chamber Announces Finalists: Small Business and Entrepreneur Business of the Year

For Immediate Release
January 24, 2008

Contact: Linda M. Parsons, Vice President
Phone: 910.692.2936

Moore County Chamber Announces Finalists: Small Business and Entrepreneur Business of the Year

SOUTHERN PINES, NC – The Moore County Chamber of Commerce announced at a press conference on January 24, 2008 the six finalists for the Chamber’s Small Business and Entrepreneur Business of the Year Awards. The winner of each of these awards will be presented at the Chamber’s Annual Banquet on January 31, 2008 and is made possible in partnership with Progress Energy.

“The Chamber is proud to showcase the six finalists and their contributions to the enrichment of Moore County’s business Community,” stated Sherwood Blackwood, 2008 Chairman of the Board. According to Sherwood, “The Chamber was looking for a business that despite facing tremendous adversity would do it all over again, and whose fervor for running a business is rivaled only by their willingness to serve the community.”

The criteria for both awards included innovation, response to adversity and community involvement. For innovation the businesses needed to cite examples as to marketing ideas, overcoming significant challenges, employee relations, customer development, technology, distribution and competitive advantages. The category of adversity, the business needed to show how they addressed significant challenges, overcoming one or more of the following: Employee relations, growth, training, retention, management and technology. In the last category the business needed to indicate their involvement in the community, not including industry related organizations or affiliations. The steering committee that reviewed the applications received were Chamber executives and economic development executives from outside of Moore County.

The three finalists for the Entrepreneur Business of the Year Award have been in business less than five years and with less than 50 full time employees. These finalists include HomeChoice Network Inc., Bliss, A Salon Experience and Weichert Realtors, Larose & Company. The finalists for the Small Business of the Year Award have been in business more than five years and also have less than 50 full time employees. These finalists include Pinestar Farms Inc., ConnectNC Inc., and Moore Uniforms. The final award winner of each category will be presented at the Annual Banquet on January 31, 2008 at the Carolina Hotel.

For more information or to purchase tickets to the Moore county Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet visit or call (910) 692-3926.

The mission of the Moore County Chamber of Commerce is to provide quality, value-added services and programs to members to unite Moore County area businesses in a committed effort to strengthen the economic environment and thus, improve the quality of life for all of Moore County. With nearly 800 members the Chamber is instrumental in Advancing Commerce and Community and exists to help strengthen the local economy and promote comprehensive community development.

Linda Parsons
Vice President
Moore County Chamber of Commerce
10677 Hwy 15-501
Southern Pines, NC 28387
910.692-3926 Fax 910.692-0619

Advancing Commerce and Community

And I thought famvir made me sick

On Friday I started taking famvir for an outbreak of shingles.  I knew from previous times that famvir gave me a pretty bad headache, but I thought I’d do it anyway and maybe this time it wouldn’t happen.  I withstood it for almost 4 full days, but then called the doctor to get something else. It was a wicked headache and I thought anything else had to be better.  I got the rx for acyclovir Tuesday and took my first dose with dinner. Pretty soon I was experiencing nausea.  Those of you who know me, know that this is a serious situation. I fought off the nausea for four hours and then finally had an episode of vomiting and diarrhea.  It was over fast, and probably not worth the four hours I spent trying to avoid it. We do what we do though, and it’s hard to overcome a phobia you’ve had all your life. This could have very well been a coincidence, but I attributed it to the acyclovir (nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are reported possible side effects).  I called my doctor the next day, and a nurse asked me if I could tolerate the famvir headache for just 3 more days.  So, I’m back on famvir now.  Just a couple of days to go.  Afterwards, I will probably take one a day to help prevent a recurrence of shingles.

The eye doctor told me that he saw no internal goings-on in my eye.  Only the exterior was affected, including the eyelid (outside and inside).  I have an antibiotic ointment to apply twice daily and a return appointment next week.

I should expect to have a complete recovery anywhere from a few weeks to 6 weeks.

More about shingles

I just learned that shingles’ name comes from the Latin cingulum, which means girdle or belt. There’s a lot of useful information about shingles at the FDA web site.

Eye doctor

Shingles on the left side of my faceI’m seeing the doctor this afternoon about my left eye, which is afflicted with shingles. If an eye is ever affected by shingles, get to a doctor, asap!

Here’s a new picture of what the rash looks like.  Don’t click on the thumbnail if you don’t want to see it.  I think it’s hideous.  I try to stay in so that I don’t attract mobs of torch-wielding villagers out in front of the house.

I’m still taking the 500 mg  of Famvir three times a day and am taking some oxycodone as needed.  I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I had some dex.

More about shingles