Category: General

pH Information

There’s been some discussion about the importance of pH. I’ve done a lot of reading about it, and am going to include some information from my reading. I believe it’s important, and I check my pH every day. I usually have a low pH, but have found that certain foods raise it significantly. They are tomatoes and spinach, primarily. I test urine with pH test paper.

The following information is taken from
Beating Cancer with Nutrition
Patrick Quillin, PHD, RD, CNS
2001 Revised Edition
Nutrition Times Press, Inc., Box 130789, Carlsbad, CA 92013
Ph. 760-804-5703, fax 760-804-5704, or

Humans have a very specific need to maintain a proper pH balance. pH refers to “potential hydrogens” and is measured on a scale from 1 (very acidic) to 7 (neutral) to 14 (very alkaline, base). Foods that encourage a healthy pH are vegetables and other plant foods. Foods that encourage an unhealthy pH include beef, dairy, and sugar. Proper breathing, exercise, and adequate water intake further improve pH to discourage cancer growth. Cancer cells give off lactic acid in anaerobic fermentation of foodstuffs. This Cori cycle generates a lower pH, which then further compromises the cells’ ability to fight off the cancer. Acid foods (such as tomatoes, citrus, and vinegar) help to create an “alkaline tide” which helps to discourage cancer and fungus growth.
You can tell if you have an abnormal pH by some of the following characteristics: your jewelry, rings, and metal watch bands turn color (oxidize ) quickly; insects like mosquitoes are not attracted to you; you frequently develop yeast infections like toenail fungus. Acid/base is best tested by having your blood checked for pH in the veins. A quicker and cheaper method of testing your pH is using pH litmus paper (such as Nitrazine or Baxter Diagnostics pH Indicator Strips) from your pharmacy store. If your saliva is much lower than the comparison color charts, then you may need to heed this section closely. If your pH is significantly below (which is common) or above normal pH values, then your “host defense” mechanisms are compromised and cannot fight off the cancer .
A diet rich in beef, milk, and sugar plus poor breathing habits and no exercise will create a disease-prone pH. Proper deep diaphragm breathing, exercise, lots of clean water, and a diet including more vegetables and legumes will help to rectify most pH problems. Some people who are supposed to be omnivores (including meat) will become ardent vegetarians and end up with abnormally high pH. These people may need meats; like lean chicken, fish, and turkey to bring their pH value down to normal healthy levels. (p. 117)

pH (potential hydrogens) Acid alkaline balance (7.41 ideal in human veins) brought about by: proper breathing .exercise ( carbonic buffer from carbon dioxide in blood) .diet (plant foods elevate pH, animal foods and sugar reduce pH) .water (adequate hydration improves pH).
.other agents, such as cesium chloride, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate .yeast infections that generate a collection of acids that lower pH
Cancer is acidic (low pH) tissue.13 It is clear from all human physiology textbooks that pH in the blood, saliva, urine, and other areas is a critical factor for health. Blood pH is usually 7.35- 7.45, with 7.41 thought to be ideal. Acceptable pH for saliva is 6.0- 7.5, stomach 1.0-3.5, colon 5.0-8.4, and urine 4.5-8.4. pH is a logarithmic scale, meaning that moving from a healthy pH of 7.41 in the veins to 6.41 in the tumor tissue is a 10 fold (1,000 times) deterioration in the number of hydrogen ions influencing all chemical reactions. Most foods influence pH– pushing toward either acid or alkaline. Clinicians will spend much time adjusting parenteral feedings to achieve a proper pH in the blood. Meanwhile, there have been many alternative health books that attempt to treat various diseases by adjusting the body pH via the diet.
Potential hydrogens (pH) refers to the acid or alkaline nature of a chemical. If you mix a mild acid, like vinegar, with a mild alkaline substance, like baking soda, then the resulting reaction produces a salt– they neutralize one another by exchanging hydrogens. Just about everything that goes in your mouth can alter pH, including oxygen. The acidic pH of cancer cells also decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the surrounding blood so that tissue can become somewhat anaerobic– which are perfect conditions for cancer to thrive. Deep breathing has an alkalizing effect on the blood. An alkalizing diet of lots of plant food also helps to encourage removal of toxic heavy metals.
The macrobiotic book claims that pH adjustment is one of the more crucial objectives of their diet.14 Yet, I have worked with a few cancer patients who got worse on the macrobiotic program. Remember our discussion of biochemical individuality–not everyone will thrive on the same diet. Nick Gonzales, MD, sometimes uses a diet high in red meat to adjust the cancer patient’s pH into a normal range. It appears that some people are prone toward extreme acid or alkaline metabolism. For these people on the edge of acceptable biological pH, diet provides a counterbalance to bring serum pH back toward normal. Think of sailing a small boat wHere you may have to use your body as a counterbalance to prevent the boat from being tipped over by the wind. If your metabolism is in jeopardy of “tipping over” toward extreme pH, then diet and breathing become your counterbalances that keep metabolism upright.
While this area may be absolutely essential for some cancer patients, atrial and error method may be the only way to find out which direction your pH needs adjusting. If your condition improves on the macrobiotic program, then you are pushing your pH in the right direction. If your condition worsens on the macrobiotic program, then you must push your pH in the opposite direction.
About 8% of the population must have acid-forming foods to counterbalance their extremely alkalotic pH. Some people can eat anything they want and their internal mechanisms compensate to find an acceptable pH. For many people, an alkalizing diet (toward the left) will help to neutralize their acidifying tendencies, which can invite cancer .
Venous pH is the most accurate indicator of your overall body pH. Yet blood tests are invasive, expensive, and not practical for regular use. A rough indicator of your body pH is your saliva and urinary pH, since one of the functions of the kidneys is to filter out excess hydrogen ions (acid) to keep the blood mildly alkaline. When these acids are concentrated in the urine, then there is a good chance that the body is struggling to keep the blood at a healthy pH. You can purchase Nitrazine paper from your local druggist and follow the directions for measuring saliva or urine pH. Test your saliva at least one hour after any food or drink. If your saliva is strongly acidic, then you may need to emphasize this part of my program. (pp 302-303)


I have two juicers now. The first one I got was a Juiceman Junior. I got it from Walmart for about $60. I also have a Miracle Millennium MJ 2000, which was a bit more expensive – $165.00 (yeah, more than the online price!).

Both machines do the job, but the Millennium gets more juice out of the fruits and veggies. The pulp that’s expelled is much drier. The Juiceman is actually easier to clean. It has fewer small places for stuff to get trapped. I put all the plastic parts in the dishwasher. One reason I got another juicer is because I hate the tedium of cleaning them, and on days when I want to make juice more than once, it’s easier for me.

My favorite morning juice is a combination of orange, grapefruit and carrot. Then I pour it into a blender with some vanilla soy milk and a scoop of Immunopower powder. It’s great. Sometimes I add pear or apple too.

My favorite “green” juice is a combination of celery, tomato, spinach, garlic and sometimes cucumber. I always try to use organic when I can. Sometimes I add carrot to that too.

When you make juice, it’s important to drink it right away. Don’t let it sit!


Hey! My fingers are almost normal size again! Feels great! My face and eyelids are still puffy, but I am going to keep cutting sodium intake and keep drinking lots of water and sweat as much as I can. :)

Puffy red eye

How strange. It looks like yahoo/righthealth are scraping this blog. I hate when people steal my content!


I just sent a complaint to the local hospital, and asked them if there really has to be a smoking area on the parking deck right outside outpatient chemo. I’m trying to reduce my exposure to toxins, and I resent having to either hold my breath or inhale the second hand smoke from the groups of healthcare workers who gather out there to smoke. I think I may have been a little snotty, but hey! I’m on dex! Feel free to comment. Flames accepted, as long as there’s no smoke. To read their response, please click on “comments.” It’s pretty nice, considering the tone of my complaint.

Vitamin D3 and curcumin

This is from a friend on the MM list (acor). It makes sense to me. I have added D3 to my own list of supplements.

“The two top things you can do are take in 400 IU of Vitamin D3 per day, and drink 3 liters of water. The recent curcumin thread is intriguing, but since it quiesces the cell cycle, it should not be taken with chemos, bisphosphonates(Aredia or Zometa), or at the same time of day as Vitamin D3. If you want to take both D3 and curcumin, I would do Vitamin D3 at breakfast & curcumin after dinner. And btw, do not substitute vegetarian D2 for D3.”

Pregnancy tests

Today is the day of the week I submit a urine specimen for a pregnancy test. It’s required by the manufacturer of Thalomid(thalidomide). Because thalidomide caused some terrible birth defects when it was first used in the 50s, Celgene wants to make sure female users of childbearing age aren’t pregnant while taking the drug. The way they do that is to require a pregnancy test. Before starting thalidomide and for the next 4 weeks, I drop off a urine specimen at the clinic. After this week, I’ll only have to do it once a month. They also require that I complete a monthly phone survey. It’s all part of their S.T.E.P.S. Program.

My itchy red swelling has diminished, thank goodness. Still some redness and swelling, but much better! It’s definitely edema. I always associated edema with feet and ankles, but I seem to have it in my head and hands :) I think I need to cut way down on sodium. My fingers and face are kind of puffy.

I got pretty far in life without having to take drugs for anything. I hope to be drug free again one day.

I’m off to work now. Jeff installed a new mail server last night. He stayed all night! What a guy. We’re an ISP, and we have free junk mail and virus filtering on all incoming mail. We have numbers around the country, and can match Juno’s/Netzero’s $9.95/mo. price in most locations. ConnectNC, Inc.

Side effects?

Last night I started to develop a few little itchy spots on my arms and hands and my right eyelid swelled a little. By morning, the spots on my arms and hands were gone, but my entire right eyelid was swollen and red. At this moment, both eyelids are swollen and red, and so are my fingers. There are some itchy raised spots on my arms and legs too, mostly around the joints.

I’ve been taking Thalomid and dexamethasone (in 4 pulses of 4 days on/4 days off – 40 mg each day) for about a month now. Why would side effects manifest themselves at this point? Maybe there’s some cumulative effect with dexamethasone. It’s possible, because up until the third pulse, I hadn’t experienced that meanness other people talked about. Boy, was I in a bad mood! I could relate to what the others were saying.

I called my oncologist’s office this afternoon when it appeared that the itchy swelling wasn’t going away, but getting worse. He wasn’t in, so I called my primary care physician. He thinks it’s a result of the high doses of steroids and said I could take Benedryl to help with the itching and swelling. I must need a lot, because what I’ve taken so far today hasn’t put a dent in it. It would be nice if I could go to my vet and get a shot. :) If it’s not better in the morning, I’ll call my oncologist again.

I’m not sure if I should go ahead and take my evening dose of Thalomid or not. Tomorrow morning I start my last pulse of dex. Dex is supposed to help swelling :)