I have no appointments today, and am over the effects of my weekly dex pulse, so I am going to enjoy the day. There are things I can do at the office, errands I can run and things to do around the house. My brother has been here fixing things and taking care of the yard, so there’s not a lot to do here. I’ll just start the day with some red tea.
When you have a disease that has the potential to kill you much sooner than you expected to go, you start thinking about things differently. You also think about things that never occurred to you before at all. I find myself being envious of older people. I wonder if they know how lucky they are to be 60 or 70 years old? Possibly not. I never appreciated my own good fortune. I took it for granted. The funny thing is, I now consider myself lucky! I even said that to my doctor yesterday. I am lucky that my MM was found before I became very sick or had broken bones. I’m lucky that I have a supportive family and staff at work. There are a lot of things to be grateful for.