Category: General

Card on the way

Rich Butts is in Boston B&W Hospital, after having suffered some problems (not directly related to his allo transplant). I’ve sent a card, and many of the MM list folks have done the same. If you’d like to send a card, you can search the ACOR MM list archives (you must be registered to do this). I won’t post it here in a public place.


I was supposed to pick up my nephew from school this weekend, but he called his mom to say that there was a school activity he didn’t want to miss. I’ll see him at Thanksgiving when the whole family gets together.

This is a funny little cartoon that’s making its way around the Internet.


Believe it or not, some lowlife spammed me through this blog a few minutes ago. It’s no secret that I detest junk mail. I don’t know how we can put a stop to it, but I implore everyone not to ever buy anything advertised in unsolicited commercial email. If they can’t make any money from it, they’ll have to stop doing it.

Blog Upgrade

As you can see, I upgraded the blog from b2 to wordpress today. I like it much better, and it looks great (IMO). Please let me know what you think.