Category: General

Complete response to a treatment/further use of treatment

I got some really good answers to a question I posted on the ACOR mailing list. They’re here, in case you missed them. My question was:
I have been wondering about complete response to a treatment, whether it be SCT or use of chemo, and the need for continued use of drugs or other treatment afterwards. I’ve noticed that some people have just Zometa or Aredia, while others will stay on a steroid or some other drugs. Once you have total remission, is it necessary to stay on drugs? My goal is to not have to take anything for as long as possible. Will that be a possibility for me?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Dex day one

Here we go again. It’s the first day of four days of dex for me (at 40 mg/day).

When I take dex, I feel really speedy. I notice a more rapid heart rate, I feel very jittery, I talk a lot, have trouble sleeping and become easily agitated. My knee joints want to stop working too. They seem really weak. It all gets better a few days after I’ve finished the 4 days.

To combat most of the symptoms I take xanax and I do acupuncture twice a week instead of once. Acupuncture really helps me to relax, so I recommend it for that, if for no other reason.


I got another bill from the local hospital. This one was for Zometa. I’ve had eight treatments so far. I was under the impression that my insurance covered it all, because I hadn’t received a bill for any portion of it. Each infusion is a little under $1,600.00 here. Thank goodness I have insurance, even if it doesn’t cover everything 100%.

Thanks everyone!

  • I meant to mention that Dan B. called a few days ago after I expressed (again) my transplant fears. Thanks Dan!
  • Thanks for dropping me a line, Kim!
  • Gia, thanks for always checking up on me, and for burning the candle.
  • Thanks to my family for helping me out when I need it. (And even when I don’t!)