Category: General

Hair Update

I thought I’d give a visual progress report of my hair growth.  Here’s a picture I took today.  You can compare it to one I took on October 13, 2007.

Hair growing back after stem cell transplant

Kind of weird, huh?  And, not too attractive. My hair started to fall out in September, after I had high dose chemo (melphalan) on August 28th. Some spots still look bald, even though there’s a covering of very fine, nearly invisible hair.

I had a follow up appointment at Duke today.  I won’t have any results until Wednesday afternoon.  Not anything important, anyway.  I didn’t even bother getting a copy of my CBCs. Dr. Long just told me they were completely normal. Throughout my entire MM experience, my CBC’s have hardly ever been anything but normal.

The IMF and cast of Everybody Loves Raymond honor Peter Boyle

This is from Access Hollywood. Way to go, IMF!

Hollywood Radar: November 12, 2007
All Access
The cast of “Everybody Loves Raymond” honored the late Peter Boyle at the International Myeloma Foundation Event to benefit the Peter Boyle Memorial Fund. And, Jerry Seinfeld’s “Bee Movie,” which open in second place last week, moved up to number on with $26 million.

To see a short video, click here.

To make a contribution to the International Myeloma Foundation, click here.

Great weather

It was about 70 degrees here today, which was fabulous. We walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch and didn’t need our coats.

I tried out a new chair at work. I need something on which I can put up my feet. When they’re not up, I have an increase in that neuropathic pain. I’m going to pile some pillows up on the foot rest tomorrow to see if that helps. Otto suggested some T.E.D. socks, so I’m going to look for them next time I’m out someplace.

Long car ride

On Sunday I drove a friend to Rocky Mount, NC to visit some friends. It was 2 hours each way, with a few hours in between. By the time I got home, my feet felt as though they were in flames and someone was beating on the soles with a hammer.  From the knees down felt numb.  This happens to me when I have to sit for too long.  This is a result of treatment with thalidomide and Velcade.  Luckily, the pain and discomfort goes away by the next morning and I’m left with the numbness in just my feet.

What is it that makes the PN so much worse while sitting?

New hat

This is a new hat brought to me from New Mexico by Sharon. Isn’t it beautiful?

Here in NC, we’re under voluntary water restrictions due to extreme drought conditions. Some of the people in my neighborhood are ignoring it though. I’ve noticed a few people washing cars at dusk, so as not to attract attention to themselves. I think we should have mandatory restrictions statewide. Some cities are fining people for car washing and watering lawns.

My hate from New Mexico

Uncle Fester

I think I look like Uncle Fester. All I need is an ankle length black coat with a (faux) fur collar. If you run across anything like this, let me know. I need one for my wardrobe.

You probably think I’m just joking!

It seems like little bits of hair are starting to grow. I predict that I’ll have what could be thought of as a normal amount of hair by spring. I can’t remember what happened last year. It seemed as though I had a short curly head of hair by spring.

This is what my head looks like now.

I’m here

It’s been a while since I posted.  I’ve just been taking it easy.

I’ll have my (close to) 30 day check up at Duke soon, and maybe I’ll find out that my m-spike has gone down.  My local doctor let me sneak in a SPEP a couple of weeks ago, and I was surprised to see that the results weren’t much different than they were in July.

Today I walked 2 miles. I’m working my way up to 3. I even have a workout buddy, so I’m more motivated to do well. The time goes by a lot faster and is much more enjoyable when you have someone to talk with while you’re exercising.