Category: General

Getting shocked

ColliebearI’m someone who has a problem with static electricity. No matter what time of year it is. I get shocked when I touch my mailbox, television, car door, or just about anything capable of carrying a charge. I don’t know why this is, or what can be done about it. I’m sure my dog & cat would like to have the problem solved.

My dog is still not home. I’ve had several calls from people sighting collies, but none of them has resulted in my finding my dog or any other. Calls have come from Southern Pines, Pinehurst and Aberdeen. Each time someone calls, I go to the area where the sighting occurred and conduct a search. In the ad I have running in the local paper, I ask people to try to detain her. Mostly, people just call to say they saw a collie a week ago or two days ago or two hours ago. I won’t give up looking. I’ll keep the ads running in the newspaper and keep the flyers up around town.

Treatment possibility

I’ve been taking Thalomid for 10 months now, and have experienced some peripheral neuropathy. It’s to a point where I know I don’t want it to get any worse, so I’ve made a decision to stop it. I stayed on a low dose of just 50 mg/day for the entire time, hoping that I wouldn’t have this side effect (nerve damage). I’m seriously thinking about enrolling in a Revimid trial at Duke. The trial is CC-5013 Plus Dexamethasone Versus Dexamethasone Alone in Previously Treated Subjects with Multiple Myeloma. The way it appears, I could wind up only being treated with steroids and a placebo, but I’m willing to give that a try too. I just know I don’t want to have any more nerve damage done. I called the number at Duke and left a message to try to get more info.

I still have no word about my dog. I hope I’ll hear something soon!


Argh. I’m still sick. I think I’m about at the end of this cold thing though. It’s to that coughing stage now.

I still haven’t found my dog. Ads have been running in the local paper and should be a mailer for the next few weeks too. I did get a few calls from people who spotted collies. One was in a neighborhood several miles away. I went to look and hang up flyers there. I did see a collie who lived in the neighborhood, so I guess that may have been the one someone saw. Tonight about 10 I got a call from someone who heard from a neighbor that he had seen a collie in their neighborhood an hour earlier. I called Rick and we went looking. After about an hour, we went home. I called her name, hoping it was my dog the man saw. I wish he had tried to detain the collie he saw.

Still sick

I’m still sick. Yesterday my doc called in an rx for Levaquin, an antibiotic, for me. We suspect I have a sinus infection. There were lots of scary interaction precautions with Coumadin, so I have an appointment on Friday to have my INR checked again. The antibiotic is for 5 days. I’m hoping that knocks the infection out and I can get to feeling better.

Today will be the first day the ads come out for my lost dog. I hope I get some results from this. My poor dog never did anything to deserve being lost like this, and it’s the saddest thing I have to deal with. Believe it or not, I have never prayed to be cured of my MM, but I sure have prayed to have my dog returned to me.

Dex rage

I had some pretty severe rage this week. In the aftermath of losing my dog, I took a lot of anger out on my family. I told my brother I wanted him to leave and not come back. He did leave. I don’t know if I can forgive him.

I have placed an ad in the local paper and a mailing they do. It will run once a week in the mailer and the newspaper for the month of February. I hope someone will see her picture and get in touch with me. She is my family, and I miss her very much.

My dog

My dog is still missing. I hope that she’s safe and warm in someone’s home, and not out in the elements. I miss her very much. I hope she’ll find her way home soon. It seems as though the entire town is looking for her. Even the local postal carriers are on the lookout.

I haven’t been much help in the search for Collie. I’ve been pretty sick. I hope I’ll be well enough tomorrow to go out looking.


Home now

I’m finally home. I found out that while I was gone, my dog got out from the house where she was staying and has not been seen since Monday morning. I’m very sad and worried. The weather here has been terrible. My brothers have been searching for her the last three days and have called every agency in the county. They searched by car and on foot, as well as going door to door in the neighborhood. About 5,000 email messages have been sent out. Please, no matter where you are, pray that she is safe and being taken care of and will find her way home.

Blog spamming

For those people out there who spam weblogs: This one notifies me when any comments are posted, so I’m just going to delete your spam right away. Don’t waste your time and mine by even bothering to spam my blog. Go get a real job, if anyone will even hire you.