Category: Durham

Day 0

This is day 0, the day on which I’ll receive some of my stem cells. I’ll get more tomorrow, too.

They’re getting ready to do it soon, it appears.

Something I had (maybe chemo?) gave me terrible indigestion last night and this morning. I also had a bad headache. I didn’t sleep very well, so I hope to catch a nap while I’m here.

This is a picture of one of the syringes filled with my stem cells. I had such an unpleasant experience with the re-infusion that I hate to even look at this!

Stem Cells

Done deed

There’s no turning back now. I had my high dose melphalan today. If they just sent me home right now, I’d probably die from an infection in a matter of days. The chemo is myeloablative.  It kills the bone marrow. My stem cells will be infused over the next 2 days. I don’t fully understand why it’s going to take 2 days, but I’ll find out tomorrow. I’ll have my own special room at the clinic while this is being done. It should be more comfortable than sitting out in the open in a chair. It’s very quiet here, and I’m sensing an opportunity to take nap.

Housing A-ok

We got the apartment and are settled in, sort of.  Everything’s not put away yet, but soon will be.  We were thinking out loud about how great a place this would be to live, IF we were 25 years old.  Nothing’s better than home.  This is a 2 BR/2BA apartment with a kitchen, living room, dining room and washer & dryer.  I think this is going to be much better than doing the SCT inpatient.