is is day +4. It’s also Kathy’s birthday, so we’re wearing hats. I think I might be the only one wearing a hat.
Here are my lab values for today:
Hgb: 10.7 g/dL (ref range: 12.0 – 15.5)
Plt: 104 (ref range: 150-450)
WBC: 2.8 (ref range: 3.2 – 9.8)
There’s more, but I’ll add that later.
So far, I’ve expererienced mild nausea a few times. We all know how afraid I was of that. In fact, it made me put off the SCT for years. I find that if I just keep eating small snacks, it makes me feel better. I try not to let myself get hungry.
I should be getting out of here for the day. I’ll probably take a quick nap when I get back to the apartment, and then try to catch up on some work.
More soon!