Author: Beth

I was diagnosed with MM in January of 2003. I underwent various treatments, including thalidomide/dex, revlimid/dex, dex alone, a clinical trial of CNTO 328, and Velcade, Doxil and dex until late August, 2007, when I had an autologous stem cell transplant after high dose melphalan. I experienced what's known as a very good partial response (VGPR). Since then, my myeloma has been stable.


What a good movie! It was even better than I expected. Transamerica stars Felicity Huffman, of Desperate Housewives fame, and is a quirky tale about a male to female transgender who is about to undergo sexual reassignment surgery. Huffman’s character experiences more than just a physical transformation by the end of the movie. This isn’t meant to be a movie review or a spoiler. I just really liked it and was glad I went to see it. Thanks to all my friends who made yesterday one of the most fun days I’ve had in a long time. Sorry about getting to the restaurant late!


I called my doctor this morning and made an appointment to have him schedule an MRI for me. My right leg has been hurting for a few weeks, and I’m now having to take pain meds a few times a day. I had some xrays last week, which didn’t show any lesions. Hopefully, there’s nothing wrong, but an MRI has a better chance of showing anything else that could be causing the pain. Mostly, I worry about AVN. I also need to have him check my HGB A1C to make sure it’s not off the charts from all the dex.

In my 3 years since dx with MM, I have never had to take pain meds on regular basis. It’s just been on an as-needed basis, such as when I have a BMB.

Warm days

We’re having some warm days here in NC. It was about 80 today and will be in the low 80s tomorrow. We have a weather station at work. You can see it here. We’ve had a very mild winter so far. I can’t think of a time this winter when I could wear my winter coat and not be uncomfortably warm.

Last week , when I was driving to Winston-Salem, I heard a loud noise, like something hit my car. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that I noticed a crack on my windshield. It keeps getting bigger, so I need to do something about it. Seems like the problems never cease!

Big Report

I have a lot to report tonight. First, my IgA has gone down more from the Revlimid/dex trial. Today’s result was 584 mg/dL. It’s never been that low since my diagnosis. You can see all the results I have back so far by clicking on “My Labs” above.

Once my MM is at an acceptable low level, we will harvest my stem cells. The way it works there at Wake Forest, is like this: They are going to contact my insurance company to make sure they will pay for a harvest and store. Once I have that approval, they will have me in the hospital for 2 days while they administer a fairly powerful dose of Cytoxan. Then they will start me on Neupogen for 10 days, which I will inject at home. I’ll have blood tests here at home to make sure my counts reflect the administration of the Neupogen. It’s supposed to mobilize the stem cells by producing so many that they spill out of the bone marrow into the blood stream. It can cause bone pain when it starts to crowd the marrow. It can be managed with pain meds, which I already have. I’ll return to WFUBMC and have my stem cells harvested through a process called pheresis, where the blood will be drawn out through an IV in one arm, the stem cells removed and the blood returned through an IV in the other arm.

I had an xray to look for lytic lesions. The doc said that AVN is painful when active and at rest, so he didn’t believe it was that. No lesion was found. That was good news. It’s probably the sciatic nerve or some inflammation somewhere.

I lost 4 more lbs between my last appointment 2 weeks ago and today. Seems weird, being on so much dex! But I’m glad. I’m not even trying. I think it’s probably the GI problems I have. Also when I’m on the dex, I don’t have much of an appetite. I’m very thirsty though. It’s when I’m off the dex that I have a ravenous appetite. I just don’t let myself have anything that’s bad for me. During dex days, I stay off carbs as much as I can & sugar (always off sugar, for that matter).

I am going to a different dex schedule. Since I’m so miserable on my days off (exhausted!), I am going to do a tapered dose that goes like this:

Day 1: 40 mg
Day 2: 40 mg
Day 3: 40 mg
Day 4: 24 mg
Day 5: 12 mg
Day 6: 6 mg
Day 7: 2 mg
Days 8-14 off
Day 15 – 21: same as days 1-7
Days 23-29 off


Diana Krall leads charity event for VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation … Canada NewsWire (press release) – Canada … L/BMT) Program of British Columbia is world-renowned for its care for people from across BC with cancers of the blood such as leukemia and multiple myeloma. …

Celgene’s Revlimid Has Upside Long-Term Potential <> Forbes – USA… of key events lie on the horizon for Celgene (nasdaq: CELG – news – people ), including the pending approval of Revlimid for multiple myeloma, expected by the …


This evening I was calling cancer survivors to let them know about the annual Relay for Life. I made about 30 calls and got in touch with about 20 people, I think. Everyone I talked to was looking forward to attending. It was good talking to them. We all have something in common. I got to talk to a few people who were at or near their 5 year anniversary of being cancer-free. I had to call one man back to ask one of my required questions because I lost track of what I was supposed to be doing.

Tomorrow I see Dr. Hurd at Wake Forest. I have to make some notes about what I need to discuss with him. Right after I went of dex last week (for the week off), I had a lot of pain in my right leg. I worry about AVN, having been on steroids for so long, and so much. I just have to have it checked out, because I’d rather complain about something that turns out to be nothing than end up having to have hip replacement surgery.

There’s also been a lot of buzz about Zometa and ONJ lately. I don’t think I should be having it any more than every 3 months anymore. I’ve been having it every month for 3 years now. Some doctors stop it for their patients after 2 years.

Next appointment

My next visit with Dr. Hurd at Wake Forest will be on Wednesday, March 8th. I’m hoping for continued good results from the Rev/dex EAP. The dex is a wicked drug though, and I’m beginning to doubt my ability to stick it out at this high dose for 2 more months. I’m on my rest week now, and am recovering, so I may feel differently in a day or so. As soon as I can, I am going to see about having my stem cells harvested. If you’ve read my blog much, you know I’m not in favor of having a stem cell transplant at this time, but I DO want to have my stem cells frozen so I can have more treatment choices.