Author: Beth

Blogs and more blogs

We’ve been working on creating more planets like the Myeloma Planet.  The next two to be launched will be the Leukemia and Lymphoma Planets.  If you have (or someone you know has) a blog about their leukemia or lymphoma experiences, please click on the Contact Tab and let me know about it.  We’ll add it to the feeds.

Here’s some news from the garden!

I have one tomato that’s almost ready to be picked, there are some jalapenos and one broccoli plant that’s showing signs of actually becoming broccoli.  Green beans are still a bit off in the future, as are the squash.  There’s been loads of rain and lots of hot sun.

Test results and other stuff

I had blood drawn on 6/3, and got the results back today.

Test: Result (Normal Range)

IGG: 455 (600-1700)
IGM: 34 (35-290)
IGA: 466 (40-400)

This is from last time, so you can see there’s not much change!

IGG: 466 (600-1700)
IGM: 31 (35-290)
IGA: 408 (40-400)

I found a new web site that I’m still checking out.  It has details about lab tests and other info.

Anyway, the doc says I’m still smoldering!

I was at Five Points Pet Resort a couple of weeks ago, where this green-winged macaw engaged us.  He has a lot of personality!

StoryCorps/NPR Broadcast on Multiple Myeloma

From a reader:

I’m writing from StoryCorps, America’s largest nonprofit national
oral history project. Because our broadcast this morning on NPR talks
about the experience of a family affected by multiple myeloma, I
thought it might be worth sharing with your readers. Please have a
Sy Saliba talks to his daughter, Yvette, about her mother, Pat, who
passed away from multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, in 2005.

StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit project whose mission is to
honor and celebrate one another’s lives through listening. Since 2003,
tens of thousands of people from across the country have interviewed
family and friends through StoryCorps. Each conversation is recorded
on a free CD to take home and share and is also archived for
generations to come at the Library of Congress.

A Southern Pines Sunset

It’s been raining off and on for a few days, which is good. We needed it. I think we might continue to have showers over the next few days, but I usually don’t pay much attention to weather forecasts.  I just wait and see what happens.  I’ve known people whose every movement hinged on the weather forecast and that never made any sense to me.  It wasn’t like they were farmers or anything.

Anyway, it was a great night for a walk, so Buddy and I went out. I took this picture with my trusty iPhone.

Sunset in Southern Pines North Carolina

The week in pictures

These are some of the pictures I’ve taken over the last week on my iPhone.  Most of them are stuff from the garden.  We planted broccoli, squash, tomatoes, peppers, some herbs and green beans.

The snake pictured is a scarlet king snake.  I found it in my pool, but not in time to save it.  It’s not as big as it looks in the picture.  I estimate it to have been about 8″ long.

The hearse was parked in the bank parking lot.

There are three families of geese in the neighborhood where my aunt lives.  Last time I was by there, I got out of the car to take a picture.  I didn’t get close though!  Geese can be scary!

Broccoli in my garden

Here come the tomatoes

Squash blossoms

A scarlet kingsnake

An old hearse I saw today

Geese over by my aunt's house

Myeloma Blogs web site gets a facelift, a blog feed aggregator for patient and caregiver myeloma blogs, has been revamped.  It’s all new, thanks to our good friend, Lopo Lencastre de Almeida of iPublicis.

The site has a new look and will allow you to read a short excerpt of posts, search posts and browse by tags.  You can also help spread the word by sharing blogs posts on many social networking sites.

You’ll see what I mean.  Head on over to

W5 investigates the high cost of Celgene’s Thalidomide

W5 investigates the high cost of Celgene's Thalidomide–profits/#clip281624

Canada’s news program, W5 (which I assume is shorthand for who, what, when, where and why) , did a program called, “Pills Patients & Profits.”  You can see the entire segment on their web site.  Click on the link or image above to watch part 3, which focuses on the cost of thalidomide (Celgene’s Thalomid), which is an important treatment for multiple myeloma.

It’s very informative, so please do watch all four parts.