I’m here at Duke, waiting to see if I’m ready to start apheresis today. I had my blood drawn at about 7:30. At 9:30, they’ll have some counts back. If they’re high enough, I can start. If not, I go back home and come back tomorrow. I don’t have as much bone pain this time as I did last year, but I don’t know how important that is. The nurses said, the more miserable I am, the better. Last year I had 10 days of neupogen shots. This time, I’ve had 5 days of leukine and 2 of neupogen. One of them was just at 5 AM, so it may not count.
Hi Beth,
Hope you got to collect stem ceels today and hope you are doing well. We are once again headed for a reduced intensity donor transplant. My thoughts are with you as always.
Ouch. We’re sure with you in spirit out here in Minnesota.