Midwest ice

A friend sent this to me. I don’t miss the cold winters and bad weather!

Ice on the trees
Ice on the trees


  1. Janet

    I guess I’m glad to be in Houston even though the reason is not good. Here it is warm but stormy and humid. Seems strange for this time of year.

    Back home in Idaho they have been getting dumped on with snow — another 8″ last night. They must be near 3′ on the ground although it does compact some.

    I live in almost a mile from the county road on a shared private road. One of the neighbors has become a snowbird and goes to Yuma. The other has a “cat” and does most of the work on the joint road. I have about 1/4 mile to do of my own with my snow thrower. He has been trying to keep up but has had to spend a lot of time working on the cat this last week and luckily one of the other neighbors has helped out. I think my part of the road has remained unplowed.

    Hopefully by the time I get home in a few weeks some of the snow will have melted. I know they’ll do their best to get things opened up for me.

    Hope you had a great Christmas.

  2. mn sunshine

    I think the weather this December is really rotten!! … Especially for December!!


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