News about Stan Winston

The news has been filled with reports about the death of Stan Winston from myeloma the last few days. I didn’t know who he was, but I saw many of the films on which he worked. As a myeloma patient though, I was more interested in his disease than his work.  I wanted to know what treatments he had tried and how aggressive his cancer was. Where was he treated?  Did he have a stem cell transplant?  Did he have any remissions during that seven years?

None of my questions was answered. I think he may have been treated at the IMBCR, because I saw that listed as one of the preferred recipients of donations to be made in his memory.

1 Comment

  1. Margaret

    Myeloma in the news grabs my attention, too. Funny how that happens. And, like you, I want to know DETAILS!
    Wonder why that is…
    If I come across some news about Stan Winston, I will let you know.
    Florence, Italy


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