Day +11

It’s been 11 days since the first day my stem cells were infused. Time seems to be passing by very slowly, which can be torture at times.

I’ve been having some issues at home, which make me wish I was out of here and back home. My dog is going to be boarded Monday, I hope, which will resolve one of the problems I have. My housesitter has been unreliable, and I’ve found out that my dog has been left alone some nights. I also found out that my cat was left shut in a room for at least a day with no way out. It’s too hard to have to worry about getting better and what’s happening (or not happening) at home.

I called my neighbors, and they’ll keep an eye on things for me.

Other than that, I can report that my WBC went up yesterday to 0.3 from 0.2. My platelets were low at 14, and my HGB was 9.6.

Overall, I feel ok. I’m tired, so I just sleep when I need to. The mucositis is getting a little better. Not so much in the lower GI area, but better in mouth and throat.  Oh, except that I hurt my throat this morning on a sharp piece of English muffin.  The English make some dangerous food, so beware.

I’ve had some very strange problems with two of my toes.  They’re extremely black & blue.  I’ll have pictures, of course.

I’ll get my labs soon, I hope, so I can report on today’s results.


  1. Gina

    I am sorry you have to worry about your pets. I would too. They will be so glad to see you!

    Toes – this happens to mom with neuropathy.

    Q: are you on prophylactic antifungals for this thrush

  2. Margaret

    Your story about your dog and cat made my hair turn purple with fury. Oh, I could just rant and rave against horrible cruel £*§^%é#! housesitters all day! (Bet you could, too!) Too bad we don’t live closer (the Atlantic Ocean kinda gets in the way…). I’d have gladly taken care of your two darlings for ya. Well, at least your neighbors are going to take over until you get home, which will happen SOON! You just keep focused on that increasing WBC count! Hugs from the purple-haired Margaret in Italy


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