This is day +1

Even though I’m still having more stem cells infused today, it’s still called day +1.  Yesterday was uncomfortable.  I believe it was  a reaction to the preservative, DMSO.  I felt a great deal of pressure and discomfort in my chest while the stem cells were being infused.  Luckily, there are fewer to do today.

I’m keeping up on the ativan and compazine to try to avoid any nausea.  So far, I’ve felt a little queasy, but nothing major.  I’ve been told that after  day 5, I should be past that.

My iPod broke last night, so Todd went and got another one for me.  I have some things to transfer over.

I just saw Dr. Long, who is a great doctor.  I highly recommend him if you’re in the market for a stem cell transplant.


  1. Jude

    I’m reading your reports, I know I’ve been through it, but not with your stamina. I cannot imagine being able to string sentences together on your blog. Keep it up!

  2. grderck

    Glad to hear everything is going so well and you are on your way! We think of you often and wish you well during your transplant journey.
    Gary and Amy….79 days and counting

  3. Margaret

    Hi Beth, just wanted to add my good wishes to those of Don and Sunshine! Thinking of ya! :-)Margaret in Florence, Italy

  4. sunshine

    Sending continuing best wishes.
    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  5. minnesotadon

    Good for you Beth. Sounds like you are doing as well as others we’ve followed through their transplants. May it go very well throughout.

    When you feel up to it, I’d love to know how you are managing to blog while in the hospital. Laptop? If so, how do you connect to the internet? Propeller-head questions. :-)


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