This is a picture of what my skin looks like around the catheter that was placed almost two weeks ago. It’s from the adhesive pulling skin off when I change the dressing. Now I’m using a gauze dressing with paper tape. I hope it heals soon. I really do like the clear dressings better, since there’s less worry about getting it wet or allowing bacteria in. This catheter is placed under my right collarbone. There’s also a tube in my neck that I can feel. If you click on the picture, you can see a bigger version. If things like that make you at all queasy, then please don’t click on it. :)
Hickman double lumen catheter, Neostar triple lumen catheter
Sorry about the reaction to the tape. yikes.
Ask if you can use Glad CLINGWRAP over the cath when you need to shower etc.
Ow! I’m queasy, but I looked anyway. I’m learning a lot about my future from your blog. Thank you for doing it.
Oh so sorry, Beth.
We send our healing wishes and our wishes for good outcomes.