Duke day

Today I’m at Duke for tests to make sure I’m healthy enough to undergo high dose chemo. I did this last year at WFUBMC, but didn’t go through with the SCT at that time.

Right now I’m waiting to have an EKG. There’s one person in line ahead of me.

This morning I woke up feeling kind of crummy. I have achy muscles and did have a headache. I’m sure it’s that bug bite, and I’m doomed to die a lingering and painful death. Nah, I don’t really think that. I showed the bite on my leg to a PA at UNC on Tuesday, and he said it was a bite for sure. I told him I had done Internet research on various spider bites and had convinced myself that I was going to die (soon). He verified that I AM going to die. We all are.

Now I’m waiting for an echocardiogram.

Back to the muscle aches. It feels as though I spent the day at the gym. We all know I didn’t. I walked and swam yesterday, but that’s something I do almost every day. I’m sure it’ll pass, but I’ll mention it to the doctor when I see him.

Dr. Orlowski is moving to Houston, to head up the MM program at MD Anderson. We’ll miss him. I feel a little less safe than I did before, but I can still email or call him if I need advice. There was a little party for him on Tuesday. J and I brought a pecan pie and some brownies. Rey made flan, which looked like something from a magazine. I was sure he bought it. I bought the pie & brownies, of course. I don’t think I could bake anything even if my life depended on it. Fortunately, my life has never depended on my ability to bake a pie.

I did the 24 hour urine collection to bring along with me. Karen has wonderful descriptions of her own experiences, so go on over to her blog (Adventures of Cancer Girl in my blogroll) to read about it. I’m with her. It’s my least favorite of the tests. I don’t think ANY test qualifies as a favorite. They all include some sort of discomfort or inconvenience. It’s possible that MRI is at the top of the easiest though. I just get comfy and sometimes take a snooze. Anyway, After I was about 30 minutes from home this morning (on my way to Duke), I realized that I forgot the jug. I called my nurse, Martha, and asked if it was more important to have the jug or be on time for my appointment. She told me to go back and get it.

Ok, now I’m all done with the cardio stuff and the pulmonary function test. I did very well, which I attribute to swimming.

Blood has been drawn, and I’m waiting for the doctor. I’ll write more later.


  1. Jude

    BTW, One more treatment is completed, 10 days of radiation to my spine from T-3 to T-11. The bone marrow really took a hit so had to have blood and platelets and my wbc went to .7–One more MM tx under my belt.. feeling good though tired.

  2. Jude

    Yes, 24 hr urine is right at the top of the ugh list. I think some of it is the 24 hrs of realizing I have MM, whereas the other tests I can do while visualizing myself at the beach or somewhere else.

  3. Beth

    I think you mean VINEGAR-applesauce cake!

  4. ruminator

    You downplay your baking abilities! What about the famous applesauce-vinegar cake?!?


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