MM (Multiple Myeloma)
MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome)
Patients & Caregivers
Clinical research study on a newly launched medical product. The purpose is to gain insight and gather opinions from patients and their caregivers that are diagnosed with MM or MDS. It is not necessary to be taking medications to participate. All information is completely confidential and used for research purposes only.
In person 45-50 minute interview
Locations & Dates -Philadelphia, PA – 5/10,5/11,5/12
Fort Lauderdale, FL ??? 5/14,5/15
Phoenix, AZ ??? 5/16, 5/17, 5/18
Participants receive $150 cash.
Please contact to schedule or ask questions.
Jan Mallery-Groom RN
Project Manager
212-217-0407 / 201-284-8201