Good news – bloodwork from today has my creatinine back in normal range. Dr. Allen is switching me to Aredia anyway though. I’m glad for that. I was really upset about having a kidney problem. I’m glad it was transient. Who knows? It could have been a lab error too. Ok, I was so relieved when the nurse called that I didn’t get the exact result from her. I’m sure I’ll see it when I get the full report. They don’t have the proteins back yet (IgA). That was done on Thursday. They’ll call me when they do. Keep your fingers crossed for a normal IgA level!
The kidney scare made me realize that there are some things I want to do. It’s a possibility I could end up on dialysis some day, although I am doing my best to see that not happen. I drink 2-3 liters of water a day. I aim for 3, but sometimes I run out of time. I have to get better about that and pace myself.
I decided that I want to buy a mini-van so I can go on little trips with my dog! I will start looking this week. I also decided that I am going to close my IRA. There’s no tax penalty if the money is used to pay medical expenses. The truth is, I may not live to retirement age. I want to, but someone living with MM for over 20 years is a rare thing. I have decided to live for today as much as possible. If a cure is found, or some safe drugs are developed to manage the disease for decades, that will be great! I hope that happens soon. When that time comes, I can start saving for retirement again. As it is now, most people are losing money on their investments anyway, right?
Beth, I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and love you dearly, my friend.
This is the response from Dr. Richardson:
would DC zometa and definitely move over tp aredia butb please also have
them chcek a 24 hours urine for Bence jones Protein