Here she is…

This is the new doggie.  I don’t have a name for her yet, so any suggestions are welcome. Thanks to the Collie Rescue of the Carolinas for bringing her to me.

She’s a sweet pup.  I’m not sure how old she is, but the vet paperwork says “> 8.”  She seems to be deaf, so it’s ok that I don’t have a name for her yet.  She does respond to hand gestures, which is pretty cool.   I can motion to her to come to me, and she does!

My new collie girl

Here’s a picture I took yesterday.  I think she’s feeling safe and secure here.  She took over my bed!

My collie

I’m still considering names, but her inability to hear me call her means there’s no rush.  She’s quite a pistol.  She’s getting into the garbage and eating cat food. We walk every night, when it cools down a bit,  and we’re both enjoying that.  Once the temperature gets a little cooler, we’ll start going to the park to walk.  Buddy used to love that, and I hope the new doggie loves going there, too.


  1. Pauline

    Kellee is the name I like. You will pick a name,one will just come to you. Syner would be a good one too

  2. Paula Kilgallon

    Beth, your not on your own I too pondered Helen and thought I must be missing the obvious and obviously was. I love the way her paw is curled round her nose – Bud has done something similar. I also like the fact that she is on the bed – it alleviates my guilt at letting Buddy on the bed. Even though I don’t know why I’m feeling guilty. :D

  3. Giovanna Marchese

    I would name her Sugar because she’s so sweet! She’s gorgeous! I love her and want to kiss her and cuddle with her. She is so lucky to have found you and you her. CONGRATULATIONS! What an amazing tribute to Buddy to find someone who needed love. You’re such an awesome woman! WTG! xoxo

  4. Beth

    I wanted to mention, too, that she was mutilated at some point. Her ears and the end of her tail were cut off. She has a burn scar the length of her back, too.

  5. Denise

    Helen was the first thing I thought of too when I read she is deaf. I vote for WHEEZY. ;o) I wanted to name our pup that.
    I say it like George Jefferson but nobody went for it. Funny thing is, our pup does breath funny when you hold her curled up and the name would have fit.
    Good luck with her. What a great thing to rescue a special needs doggie.She’s a lucky girl.

  6. Lorna

    I was sorry to read about your dear Buddy. Your new addition is gorgeous. September certainly seems to have been a doggie month.

  7. Janet

    Congratulations on the new addition to your family. I know you will become the best of friends.


  8. Margaret

    I agree with Paula…she looks great now! Thanks to all your TLC, for sure.
    As for names, I have a few suggestions in Italian (what else? ;-)): Amore=Love. Salvia=Sage (I can tell you the correct pronunciation over the phone). Stella=Star. Bella=Beautiful. Oh well, there are so many. Check this website…if you like any of the names, let me know, and I will translate the meaning for you:

  9. Sandy Banks

    Or use the deaf sign for “sweet,” putting your five fingers up to your mouth like the Italians do, pursing your lips and then pulling them away. She will get accustomed to seeing that motion and eventually learn that that is her name… Although I liked John’s reference too…

  10. John

    Yes, what a pretty coat.

    How about Helen?

  11. Paula Kilgallon

    Her coat seems to have really come on since the first pic on the rescue website – bit like mine! ;D She’s adorable!


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