Piles of stuff to do

UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill
UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill

This has been a busy week.  On Thursday, I took a friend to UNC in Chapel Hill for surgery and spent most of the day there. UNC is an impressive facility.  I used to spend a lot of time at UNC when that was my home base for treatment.  It’s not a terrible place to have to spend several hours.  On Friday, I was able to go back to pick her up to take her home.

This week I’ve been feeding some feral cats for someone who’s on vacation.  There are three small colonies in Southern Pines that rely on this person for daily food and water. Some have been trapped, spayed or neutered and released.  Tomorrow is my last day for doing that, I think.

I have a friend’s yard to mow this weekend.  I should be doing it now, before it gets too hot.  I have to do my own, too!

On top of that, I’m watching someone’s dog while their family takes a short trip before school starts. He’s an old timer, so he’s no extra bother.  He gets along well with my dog and the cats. He’s jumped into the pool before, so he does have to be supervised when he’s out in the yard.

On Tuesday, we went to the National Night Out Against Crime event at Memorial Park in Southern Pines.  Jacob had a lot of fun watching the canine unit demonstration.  I have some pictures of that I can post later.


  1. Keith Adams

    Beth, I have been reading your blog after finding it after reasearching MGUS on the net. after reading dome of your posts I quickly realized you are from NC, especially seeing the pic of Trader Joes in Cary! I work in Cary, live in Harnett County and was diagnosed last year (09) with MGUS so trying to learn as much as I can. Thank you for your wonderful Blog. Keeping you in my preyers. Keith

  2. nigel_wilkinson

    We are new to forums. I am typing this on behalf of my husband (I’m quicker). Nigel was diagnosed with MM 18 months ago after having a plasmacytoma in his spine 10 years ago. He is having infusions for his bones but two vertebrae have collapsed. Does this awful pain ever go away? Theu are continuing with infusions and he has had his first 4 days of chemo and prednisone which have knocked him about a bit. Sweats, chills etc.

    • Beth

      Hi –

      I’m sorry to hear about the pain. Has your husband had any vertebroplasty or balloon kyphoplasty to try to alleviate some of that pain? He might really benefit from it. Has he been seen by an orthopedic surgeon?

      What chemo is he on?

      Hang in there!

  3. Janet


    Glad to hear that you are feeling up to doing all of this. Sounds like lots to keep you busy and out of trouble.

    I’m heading back to Houston (MD Anderson) the first of Oct. for follow up. My sister-in-law will be having shoulder surgery then so my plan is to be there to help while she recuperates for a couple weeks to repay for all the help they have given me.

    I took about 5 weeks off treatment and restarted this week. My specialist at MDA was not happy about the break but I really needed it. My numbers did go up during this time — more than I had hoped — and hopefully they will drop back down with the next testing.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer. We are getting a bit of rain and cooler temps here and are enjoying it immensely. We just don’t do well with the 90-100 degree temps.


    • Beth

      Gosh, Janet. I know how you must feel. I dread the day I’m told I have to have treatment again. Have you been in any trials of the any of the new stuff?

      • Janet

        We checked into trials they had available at MDA (mainly carfilzomib) but I did not qualify because I had had too many prior treatments. They were looking at starting a new trial that didn’t have that restriction but I don’t know if that has ever come together. That was earlier this year and the doc didn’t seem enthused about results on any of the other trials they were doing. A couple months later my brother was talking to him at a bridge game and he mentioned he had another idea for treatment but since the rev/vel/dex has been working fairly well, I haven’t followed up on it.

        At this point, I’m kinda wishing I hadn’t stopped treatment as I think my system was settling down to some of the side effects and now it seems that I’m having to go through that again. But I really did enjoy the break and definitely had more energy to get a few things done during that time.


  4. Alexis

    Hey Beth! How are things? Sounds like you’re staying pretty busy. I have to tell you that I am a UNC Chaple Hill b-ball fan. I know that has little to nothing to do with what you’re stating here–just thought I’d throw it out there. Feel free to throw it back. Oh wait–now it’s almost like basketball talk.
    Okay, I’m done!
    Hope to ttys,
    Alexis :)

    • Beth

      I like whatever team has the prettiest colors. My nephews are huge Duke fans, so I have to be careful about professing any love for the Tar Heels. I do like the nice blue though!

      A friend and I are going to try to do a series of videos on a really talented trumpet player. As soon as we have some footage, I’ll ping you. It will be good to get some feedback. What are you working on? Oh! My oldest nephew does some really good original music if you ever need anything for your films. Just let me know.


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